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Jim S. wrote:

Hi, guys —

My son is seven and in the second grade at a Catholic School.

He is being raised Catholic, and his mother is Catholic. His mother and I are divorced, and I am Christian but not Catholic.

  • I want to support my son with his Sacraments, but how do I explain to him that I am not Catholic?, and
  • Why I don't do the same things (Confession, Communion, etc.) as he does?

Jim S.

  { As a non-Catholic Christian father, who wants to support his son receiving the sacraments, how do I explain, why I'm not Catholic? }

Bob replied:

Dear Jim,

Thanks for the question.  

You may have to gloss over the distinctions for now; when he is older as a young adult, you can talk more in-depth about your choices and differences with the Catholic faith.  

For now, I would simply say the least possible, unless questioned, whereas you can simply tell him that you go to a different church, and you do things differently there.  I would also affirm that both churches love Jesus and want to do everything He told us to do and that you are very proud of him for doing things to grow in his faith in Jesus.  

The most important thing that you can do for him is affirm him and let him know that you approve, love, and want to encourage him to know Jesus.  Ask your son to say his nighttime prayers and to pray for daddy, just as you do for him.  

Right now, this is more about relationships than doctrine, so keep it simple.


Bob Kirby
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