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Biography of Pope Francis - Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Biography of Pope Francis - Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Biography of Pope Benedict XVI

Biography of Pope Benedict XVI

Biography of Pope John Paul II

Biography of Pope John Paul II

Biography of Pope John Paul I

Biography of Pope John Paul I

Biography of Pope Paul VI

Biography of Pope Paul VI

Biography of Pope John XXIII

Biography of Pope John XXXIII

Biography of Pope Pius XII

Biography of Pope Pius XII

Biography of Pope Pius XI

Biography of Pope Pius XI

Biography of Pope Benedict XV

Biography of Pope Benedict XV

Biography of Pope Pius X

Biography of Pope Pius X

Biography of Pope Leo XIII

Biography of Pope Leo XIII

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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.