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The Catholic Church for all of us starts at the local level: in our parish. This is where Our Lord from the beginning of time has planned for us to partake in his plan of bringing the Good News of Jesus to the whole world. We encourage you to work and develop your unique calling from here.

This CPATS Apologetics support group is based in the Metro West Boston area. We periodically coordinate times to get together to talk about issues and the faith in the Boston area.

Archbishop Sean Patrick O'Malley OFM Cap

February 14, 2007

Cardinal Sean O'Malley asked me to acknowledge his receipt of your recent letter and to reply on his behalf. Thank you for providing us with an update on the Christifideles Pizza and Theology Society and your website.

Please know that the Cardinal appreciates your efforts to promote the teachings of the Catholic Church and to help people have a better understanding what it means to be a Catholic.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Rev. Robert T. Kickham
Secretary to the Cardinal


April 18, 2008

Speaking for Cardinal O'Malley, Br. James M. Peterson O.F.M., Cap., Assistant for Canonical Affairs wrote:

His Eminence, Sean Cardinal O'Malley received your letter dated March 16, 2008. Since the letter involved issues of canon law he has asked me to respond to the questions in your letter. First of all, thank you for your efforts at evangelization both through the use of the internet and through your other undertakings.





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