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Heartbroken Grandma wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • Can you please tell me what the Catholic Church teaches about burial after a miscarriage
    (9 weeks)?
  • Since we believe that from the moment of conception there was a life, how do we handle the end of that life?

Thank you and God Bless,

Heartbroken Grandma

  { What does the Catholic Church teach about burial after a miscarriage; how do we handle this life? }

Mary Ann replied:

Dear Grandma,

Every Catholic hospital used to have a plot of sacred ground on the grounds, and there they buried miscarried babies and even amputated body parts, which are considered holy as part of the human body.

Unfortunately, this is no longer the case, but most dioceses have a policy of granting group burial to remains lost after so many weeks (often 12). This doesn't make sense, but the fact is that hospitals dispose of remains immediately, and often parents don't think to ask ahead of time that they be kept for them. Mortuaries won't take unborn children for embalming until a certain period also.

Once the child's remains are disposed of by the hospital, the only thing, and best thing, that can be done is to have a funeral Mass for the child. It helps the parents grieve very much, and helps the whole family. It also honors the child, who is, of course, a child, not a miscarriage.

Mary Ann

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