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Donald Cook wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • Does the notion that the works of Washington and Jefferson were nullified have any merit?

They were slaveholders, a grave sin. An example of this work is the US Constitution.

Jesus said, "Without me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

  { Does the notion that (the works of Washington and Jefferson were nullified) have any merit?; they were slaveholders. }

Bob replied:

Dear Donald,
Thanks for the question.  

The notion that one's failings cancel one's good works is prevalent in critical theory and the current efforts by neo-Marxists to refashion society into a more socialist society.  

Don't be fooled; the arguments have no merit.  It is beyond the scope and capacity of this response to debunk these arguments completely, but you can find good information at and in the writing of Thomas Sowell in "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" as to the complexities of these issues.  This is a very secular debate, but there is much rewriting of history and selective memory or acknowledgment of data relevant to the discussion on behalf of those advancing the Marxist agenda.

Ultimately, the United States is facing a critical point in its history as to how it will proceed:

  • will it remain a constitutional republic with a functioning bill of rights?, or
  • will it descend into a tyranny of the neo-fascist/Marxist revolutionaries who aim to reshape all of human society into a very dark anti-Christian secular utopia?

This is a very fundamental manifestation of the raging of Anti-Christ versus Christ, whose trajectory has Christ as the supreme victor.  That being said, the path along the way will prove to be a challenging test to Christians to endure many trials and slings of the adversary.  

So, the solution is to pray and work in our communities to be a voice for Christ.


Bob Kirby

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