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Posting date Questions
August 2020 Is it a blasphemy or a sin to have traditional Sak Yant (also called Sak Yan, or Yantra) tattoos?
August 2020 How do I properly dispose of a statue of Jesus that, unfortunately, did not have a head?
August 2020 What is the Church's stance on making up, painting one's lips and wearing tight clothes or earrings?
August 2020 Why isn't gambling a sin and how do I know the voice of the Magisterium with only the internet?
August 2020 Is it a sin to listen to subliminal messages so I can have more confidence in how my nose looks?
August 2020 Is it a sin to masturbate and, if not, why did God design us this way and why no talk on this topic?
August 2020 What are dreams; are they past, present or future events and can God communicate via dreams?
August 2020 What do Catholics do when entering the homes of other Catholics: pay their respects at the altar?
August 2020 Due to the virus, can we still get the Divine Mercy indulgence by saying the Good Friday novena?
August 2020 Is scab eating perilious to my salvation and is someone still a virgin if they've been masturbating?
August 2020 Can the Church change moral and divine law on Capital Punishment and, if so, what's next?
April 2020 Is leaving the Catholic Church and joining a Protestant church is a grave, mortal sin?
April 2020 Is Uriel part of the Catholic religion like, for example, Michael or Gabriel?
January 2020 Can Catholics who ride for the Knights on Bikes also wear a Christian motorcycle ministry patch?
January 2020 Can I remain a good Catholic and still wear garments that have an unsavory association?
January 2020 Is it sinful for devout Catholics to buy sexually-charged movies even if they skip the sex scenes?
January 2020 What is the Catholic view on making up, painting one's lips or wearing tight clothes and ear rings?
January 2020 Is there a required amount of time Catholics must pray each day and is praying the Rosary enough?
January 2020 As a Christian should I let the police use my garage to surveil my neighbor since it's a drug house?
January 2020 If I know someone is selling cocaine to children, is it morally right or wrong to report them?
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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.