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Linda McCaffrey wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • Can a priest refuse Communion and tell you to go to a deacon or minister?


  { Can a priest refuse Communion and tell you to go to a deacon or minister? }

Bob replied:

Dear Linda,

Thanks for the question.  

Priests can refuse Communion if they have reason to believe the recipient is not Catholic, or may be a manifest scandal, i.e., a pro-abortion politician who is promoting said legalization and other such issues.  If the communicant utilizes the traditional form of reception such as receiving Communion on the tongue, while kneeling, he may ask the communicant to move to another point, if kneelers are not at hand, or in another adjacent location, and he believes the “traffic” will be impeded; but frankly even in the absence of kneelers, the floor is acceptable.  (Where I often attend daily mass there is a small section of altar rail where we can go for kneeling/tongue reception, so we don’t use the regular line).

 Unfortunately, it is not known what the priest’s motives are, short of a conversation with said priest.  Sadly, some priests act scornfully towards those who receive in the traditional manner, and that attitude is certainly not in keeping with either good pastoral care or the teaching of the Church.  If you find such hostility and it makes you uncomfortable just find a better parish, though I understand that isn’t always easy.  But pray for our priests, they haven’t always had good formation and frankly don’t realize this kind of error.


Bob Kirby

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