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Honey Van Mae Gaviola wrote:

Good day fellow Catholics!

This is my first time browsing this web site but I was struck by a previous post.

I am 20 years old and I have a Muslim friend who is very devout to their religion. We had this long chat after that event in Manila.

This guy is almost perfect. In other words, I was attracted to him but when we talked about religion, I was upset and somehow troubled because he is quiet convincing when it comes to his faith. He sends me videos of debates between Muslims and Christians. The Muslim debater mentions stuff like how overwhelming their religion is and he keeps on asking me about my opinion of the fallacy of the Bible. I'm talking about the errors in translation from one language to another.

He has a comment about wearing short pants outdoor and not having a hair cover as stated in Deuteronomy. He is really provoking but when I asked him if is he trying to convert me, he says, No but he's telling me that the Quran is the truth and I should find my way to the truth. What really struck the most is when he said:

"If you can prove to me that Christianity is the truth and the only way I can attain Heaven, then I would happily become a Christian."

  • I honestly don't wanna argue with him because I respect his beliefs but I am guilty of the fact that we were baptized as Christians and with that comes the responsibility to spread His Word?

I want to evangelize him but I don't know where do I start. Another question:

  • Is reading the Quran a sin . . . or not?

When I started reading it, It made me feel bad for entertaining doubts about my Catholic faith.

To be honest, I once had a doubt about my faith due to the many things he's been sending to me but I reflected on it and I was relieved.

Please pray for me that God will strengthen my faith.

Please help me brothers and sisters!
More power to you all and God bless!



  { Can you help me defend my faith against these Islamic arguments and how do I evangelize them? }

Bob replied:


Thank you for writing.

I don't know if any of our team has responded yet but I will give you my thoughts.

There is no compatibility between Islam and Christianity, and a relationship will not work in a household that attempts to join the two. Be careful where you let your heart travel.

Islam is the fulfillment of what St. John warned us would be the character of the anti-Christ:

"Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son." (cf. 1 John 2:22).

Read also chapter four of that letter.

These two religions are incompatible because they deny the true God and have a militant mission to rid the world of Christians. Sadly, ISIS is living the Quran more accurately and true to their teachings than so-called moderate Muslims. Other Muslins may not be so militant but they are also called to Jihad and that is the subjugation of the world to the neo-religious political world of Islam.

Be careful when you debate your friend, for he will feed you misinformation, because that is what he is fed. They attempt to point out contradictions in the Scriptures without any knowledge of proper exegesis, while at the same, ignoring scores of contradictions in the Quran and edicts in the Quran that are whitewashed by moderates to deny their very essence. They also revise historical facts.

You said:

  • Is reading the Quran a sin . . . or not?

Not objectively, but it can be if it undermines your own faith. If you are not so well formed in your faith as to perceive objections and answer them readily, reading such material is harmful and for that reason, I would not encourage it . . . particularly when you have been enticed by someone who is anti-Christian. It is my view that this relationship is a bad idea for you. You are in a poor position to evangelize this person because you have a personal interest in a relationship with him.

If you can honestly say you are not attracted to him, after you are well-formed in your faith by a comprehensive review of the Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, by all means consider dialoguing constructively with him, but if you are attracted to him, I would stay clear. You have no idea how difficult, and possibly dangerous, it could be to try to pursue something.

Jesus Christ made one thing clear. He said,

"I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me."

John. 14:6

Either he was lying, insane, or telling the truth . . . or maybe your Muslim friend would suggest He [Jesus] never said it: that Christians made up all this stuff after the fact.

In the end, Christianity exists because of the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Put him up against Muhammad and who do you believe is credible?
  • Who has the divine teaching?
  • From whom do we know a God of Love?

Move on and find a Christian man.

Stay focused on Christ and you'll be fine.


Bob Kirby

Mike replied:

Dear Honey and others in a similar situation,

I just wanted to chime in with Bob's reply.

Bob said:
If you can honestly say you are not attracted to him, after you are well-formed in your faith by a comprehensive review of the Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, by all means consider dialoguing constructively with him, . . .

I would add: as long as you perceive that he is open to your points of view. Dialogue [and/or] debate with a close-minded faith-sharer is a waste of time. You have to perceive when this is the case.

Christians, whether they are Catholic or non-Catholic, who are not well-grounded in what they believe as Christians will always be easy pickings for those that wish to knowingly distort the Christian faith and our provable history as Catholic Christians.

You said:
. . . but he's telling me that the Quran is the truth and I should find my way to the truth.

And you should reply No, the Quran is not the Truth Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Light. (John. 14:6 ) He came to save all mankind:

  • Christians
  • Muslims, and
  • especially Jews seeing Jesus was a Jew Himself.

You have been misled by men who don't know the Christian faith and don't know Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures tell us there would be false teachers that would come after Jesus. Muhammad is one of the many false prophets Jesus and St. Paul warned us to ignore! (Matthew 24:24, Galatians 1:6-10, 2 Peter 2:1-3)

The Christian must be knowledgeable enough and prepared to say:

  • No, that is not true, or
  • Yes, that is true, but not in the sense you mean it. . . . Let me clarify your misunderstanding/distortion.

As my colleague John said in another reply:

Muslims, although they worship the one God, have very distorted understanding of His nature and love for us. It creates real problems. Moreover, converts to Islam are usually very easily radicalized. They are likely to at least become fundamentalist and that spells:

  • trouble for bringing the children up Catholic and
  • trouble for her as woman.

Although all Muslims don't follow to their faith strictly, Islam has very little respect for dignity and rights of woman.

St. Paul also warns against being unequally yoked to an unbeliever. Islam is truly antithetical to the Gospel Message of the total self-giving God, who loves unconditionally, giving freely of His love for us.

They take offense at calling God Father. God is strictly master in their faith.

Islam means submission and Muslim means slave.

This is very different from God giving Himself for us in order to give Himself to us, which is what Christianity teaches. To some extent that knowledge of grace also exists in seed form in Judaism but while Islam claims and does have some roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition, it is severely distorted, not to mention the huge cultural difference that exists. Islam is not part of Western Civilization. The whole thought process is completely different.

If you have any sense that a Muslim was trying to convert you I would ask them these questions:

  • Who established their faith first, Jesus or Muhammad? <The Answer.>
  • After dying a human death, did Muhammad ever bring himself back to life like Jesus did?
  • Why are you telling me things about my own faith, when you don't even believe in the faith I hold?
  • Why shouldn't I doubt your creditability since you don't believe what I believe?
  • Why shouldn't I conclude that you are trying to distort my faith?

The only way to give some backbone replies to questions he is asking you is by learning your own Catholic faith and what we really believe as Catholics.

  • Why?

Because Muslims are even allowed to lie if it advances the cause of Islam.

A good understand of basic Catholic teachings and a good solid knowledge of the Early Church Fathers is priceless.

If you do not know where to go to learn about the Early Church Fathers check out my other web site:

or buy some books on the topic.

Learn your Catholic faith and always put Jesus in the center of your heart, not Muhammad.


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