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Anonymous Sam wrote:

Hi, guys —

I live in the (U.K.) United Kingdom, and I was christened as a Protestant in the Church of England. I have never really been a practicing Christian.

I recently unexpectedly lost my dad and I feel drawn to my local Catholic church for some unexplainable reason. I am unsure what to do or how to approach the situation. I have attended Mass during the weekday.

  • How does the church view me as a non-practicing Protestant?
  • Is this a sign to convert to Catholicism?
  • Am I allowed to just observe Mass as I feel closer to my dad when I attend?

I am apprehensive about talking to anyone, but I do feel drawn to the church.


  { How do I handle this situation, how does the Church view me as a non-practicing Protestant and am I allowed to observe Mass? }

Mike replied:

Dear Sam,

I'm sorry it took us so long to get back to you. Every once in a while, "one will slip through the cracks".  : )

This is both the Lord and your father calling you to join the Church by His grace and your faith.

I would talk to local Catholic friends you may have in your area and get some advice on who is a good, faithful priest, who you could make an appointment with. He would be able to guide you in any marital issues you may have and in the welcoming process of coming into the Church usually through the RCIA program we have.

The Church views you as a separated Christian who is nevertheless part of the Body of Christ through your Baptism.

You are allowed to attend Mass on a regular basis, but you may not receive Holy Communion until you become a Catholic. The reason behind this is that those who are receiving Holy Communion worldwide in the Catholic Church should have a "Common Union" in what we believe and appropriate public actions that correspond to those Catholic beliefs.

I encourage others in a similar situation to receive a Spiritual Communion. (See below)

Spiritual Communion

O Lord Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

I love you above all things, (with all my mind, with all my heart, and with all my soul).
I love you because you are infinitely good and worthy of all my love.

Since I cannot receive You now sacramentally, at least come spiritually into my heart.
I embrace myself entirely to You and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.

Come Lord Jesus and glorify Yourself through my weak, broken body.


I also think you would enjoy reading some of my articles in the following sections of our website:

If you have any questions about what we believe as Catholics,

First, check out our database. It has over 5,747 questions that we have answered.

If you can't find your answer, ask us here:

My colleagues may have more to add.


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