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The Early Church Fathers on Creation out of Nothing.


  • Early Church Fathers
  • From the Scriptures



  1. St. Augustine of Hippo, (A.D. 354-428)
St. Augustine of Hippo, (A.D. 354-428), North African; born in Tagaste in A.D. 354, baptized in Milan in A.D. 387, ordained a priest in A.D. 391 and appointed bishop of Hippo in A.D. 395, Augustine is one of our greatest theologians. His numerous works display genius of the highest order, and have ever had great weight in the Christian churches. He is also a Doctor of the Church.

God transcends creation and is present to it.

300 God is infinitely greater than all his works: "You have set your glory above the heavens."Indeed, God's "greatness is unsearchable". But because he is the free and sovereign Creator, the first cause of all that exists, God is present to his creatures' inmost being: "In him we live and move and have our being." In the words of St. Augustine,

God is "higher than my highest and more inward than my innermost self".

Catechism of the Catholic Church CCC paragraph 300




The Early Fathers also taught that God created everything out of nothing. They believed that our complex universe was the creation of an intelligent being and not the result of a series of random accidents.


The Church's Scriptures that support Creation out of Nothing:


A mother speaking to her seven sons says the following.

22 "I do not know how you came into being in my womb. It was not I who gave you life and breath, nor I who set in order the elements within each of you. 23 Therefore the Creator of the world, who shaped the beginning of man and devised the origin of all things, will in his mercy give life and breath back to you again, since you now forget yourselves for the sake of his laws." . . . . 28 I beseech you, my child, to look at the Heaven and the earth and see everything that is in them, and recognize that God did not make them out of things that existed. Thus also mankind comes into being.

2 Maccabees 7:22-23, 28

God's Promise realized through Faith

17 As it is written, "I have made you the father of many nations" — in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.

Romans 4:17

From out of the darkness in our heart we give glory to God.

6 For it is the God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," [Genesis 1:3] who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:6

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