Pizza, ....... in Small Bytes
Your road map for exploring Catholic Web sites on the information superhighway
[The] Christifideles Pizza and Theology Society — A fun name befits a fun and interesting Web page. This page is a showplace for a good idea, namely, getting faithful Catholics together in local apologetics groups. Catholics need this desperately. With so much active dissent coupled with even more apathy in the Church, it's easy to feel isolated if you really seek to be faithful to Catholic teaching. Getting together even every other month with like-minded Catholics is a huge boost for morale.
The Christifideles Pizza and Theology Society is one such group in the Boston area. The site has a nifty ongoing discussion group that will give you a flavor of the kind of thing you could do live and in person in your own home. And for those with questions about the Catholic Faith, there's a panel of lay apologists ready to take your questions via e-mail on topics such as Scripture, liturgy, sacraments, cults and salvation outside the Church. Just send them your question and get a personal response.
This is a great idea; some Catholic apologetics organizations are simply swamped with questions, so spread 'em out a little and give these pizza guys a chance to help you out.
May/June 1998 edition of "Envoy" Magazine Site Seeing by David Palm