answers your questions? |
Meet the people behind
We are the current team
that answers most of your questions from
the AskACatholic.com web site.
At times we have also gone to other well-known
Catholic Apologists and priests to ensure
you get the complete Catholic answer to
your question. The current team:
Humphrey, Catholic Apologist
E-mail: {} |
Mike Humphrey got publicly involved
in Catholic Apologetics when an
attempt was made by the Archdiocese
of Boston to bring Apologetics
to the parish level. I was invited
by Mike Del Vecchio to be part
of a Catholic Apologetics group
with Bob Kirby and Rick Opera
under the leadership of David
Thorpe, the Director of Evangelization
for the diocese at the time. Although
the effort didn't come to fruition,
I subsequently initiated a support
group of lay Catholic Apologists
in the Boston area loyal to the
Holy See around 1995. {in
line with canon law: 215, 216
and 225.)
I believe it
was the first Catholic Apologetics
support group in the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts and possibly
New England. Previous to my involvement
in Archdiocesan apologetics, I
had been listening to Scott
Hahn audio tapes as well as
tapes by other practicing Catholic
Apologists. I consider our little
group the
Answers" of Massachusetts.
To this day,
I'm very disappointed that very
few priests seem interested in
supporting Catholic Apologetics at
the parish level in Massachusetts.
I would encourage any bishop reading
my profile to reflect on
- encouraging
a knowledge of Catholic Apologetics
in their seminaries and
- working
with their priests to develop
Catholic apologetic programs
at the parish level.
I believe this
along with greater awareness of
the Early Church Fathers and parish
Eucharistic Adoration can make
many spiritually dead parishes,
alive. Nevertheless, the Cardinal
for my diocese, Cardinal
Sean O'Malley, has been very
supportive of our work in
several replies to my correspondences.
For this I am appreciative!
I am a cradle
Catholic who grew up in Sudbury,
Mass. My CCD, like many others,
was very poor. Most, if not all,
of my spiritual growth came from
Benedictine oblates and monks
at St.
Benedict Abbey in Still River,
Mass. I owe them a great deal
of thanks for the faith I developed
while knowing them. The brotherhood
I established with them along
with their love for the Church
and the Eucharist had an important
impact on my life. Being single
has given me the extra time to
keep up on issues in the Church
while studying and re-affirming
Catholic theology, doctrine and
teaching. I have a special love
for the Early Church Fathers and
Doctors of the Church. I've lived
in Natick, Massachusetts since
My educational
background consists of a B.S.
in Computer Science and Minor
in Mathematics from Framingham
State. I also have a Client/Server
Development Certificate from Clark
Although I was
in the Internet field for a year
and a half: at Digital as a Web
Page Developer, and at Compaq
as a Webmaster, I've been unable
to find full-time employment in
my field for the past eight years.
Since then I've been doing freelance
web sites for small businesses
and non-profits. Because I've
determined that I can't make a
living developing web sites, over
the past few years I've been doing
contract work.
Most of the work
involves web site content management
and e-mail marketing.
Ewanco, Catholic Apologist
{ web
site }
Eric Ewanco has been studying
Catholic theology and apologetics
informally for over fifteen years.
A cradle Catholic, he had no interest
in religion until the death of
his mother at age thirteen.
This prompted a search for God
which culminated in a conversion
experience at seventeen followed
by a sojourn in the Evangelical
world. He returned to the faith
thanks to the witness of the Church
Fathers, who revealed to him that
yes, it's true, the early church
was Catholic.
Armed with information from Catholic
Answers and supported by patient
friends, he studied himself back
into the faith and embraced the
fullness of orthodox Catholicism.
His favorite saint and Father
is Ignatius of Antioch. |
Murano, Catholic Apologist
A truth-seeker since childhood, Paul highly appreciates those who ask questions. 'Asking why' is what distinguishes us from the other animals and is a sign of intelligence, he tells his college students each semester. And what could be more important than questions about God, His Word, and His Will?
Paul teaches philosophy and theology at two colleges and adult education at his parish. He holds a doctorate degree in marital theology, a master's degree in philosophy from Boston College, and a master's degree in theology from Providence College.
As a Catholic layman faithful to the Magisterium, Paul not only teaches, but hosts a talk radio show, regional TV shows, writes a monthly column for a local newspaper on social and moral issues, and performs as a solo singer-musician at local lounges.
Kirby, Catholic Apologist
Robert Kirby
is a husband, father (of a teen
daughter, Lord give us strength…),
musician and apologist. Bob has
been playing music professionally
for over twenty years and has
led liturgical and worship music
since 1987. Since his first days
of directing music for The Truth
Will Set You Free ministry of
Fr. Real Bourque, Bob has performed
at two World Youth Day events
(Rome and Toronto), recorded and
produced dozens of albums of sacred
music, ranging from traditional
Gregorian chant to the contemporary
Christian genre and served in
youth ministry leadership. He
is currently the full time music
director for Holy Family Parish in Rockland, MA.
Bob has studied
music at New England Conservatory
and Berkley College of Music,
where he received an award for
outstanding jazz musical performance
on saxophone. He also holds a
Masters in theology from Boston
College. His apologetics experience
includes several years of producing
and hosting a radio program called
the Catholic Forum on WROL, Boston. |
DiMascio, Catholic Apologist
{ web
site } |
John DiMascio was brought up as
a nominal Catholic. Like many
other Catholics in the immediate
post Vatican II era, his religious
instruction was clouded by mixed
signals and revolved for the most
part around the external ritual
as opposed to the spiritual reality
of the sacraments.
During his troubled adolescence,
John turned to drugs and eventually
became both a addict and dealer.
In his late 20’s John was
approached by an Evangelical friend
who spoke to him about Christ
and introduced him to the Scriptures.
As a result John had a conversion
experience and was immediately
and miraculously delivered from
a life of addiction when he accepted
Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
Following his conversion, John
began attending a Charismatic
Baptist Church and then went on
to bible school. He was licensed
as minister shortly thereafter.
During his ministry, he began
to work in the field of apologetics,
focusing on outreaches to cults
and aberrational groups. His study
in this field caused him to dig
further into the early Church.
He soon began to question the
pillars of Protestantism such
as Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide.
The more he studied scriptures
and the Church Fathers, the more
he became acutely aware that Jesus
Christ only founded one Church
and that was the Roman Catholic
In 1996 he left the “ordained” ministry
to return to the Church as lay
Catholic Apologist. |
AskACatholic Priest-helper |
Currently Vacant
We have been blessed to have the help and assistance of a priest-helper who is also a Canon Lawyer, Fr. Jonathan but Pope Francis has appointed him to a Bishop and we are not longer able to use his services.
Please keep His Eminence Bishop Jonathan and his episcopacy in your prayers.
AskACatholic Grammarian |
Steve Simek, Grammarian and Proof Reader
Bio coming soon.
Retired AskACatholic Grammarians— Well done, good and faithful servants! |
Kathleen Laplante, Grammarian and Proof Reader
Kathleen Laplante was born in New Hampshire. She has a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. Since eighth grade, she has had an interest in English grammar. She has been an author and an editor in several domains, e.g., high-tech research, college theses, newspaper and magazine articles, a novel, advertising copy, and two of her own blogs. She enjoys the challenging nature of ensuring proper grammar in everything she does. She also promotes it as the key to effective and successful communication, something that is badly needed in our society.
Kathleen is the mother of two boys who are grown and living on their own. In 1997, she had a religious reversion back to the Western Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, the religion of her youth. In 2008, she started exploring the Byzantine Rite via the Eastern Melkite Greek Catholic Church, and she continues to do so. Both spheres of the Church hold a special place in her heart. She feels incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to participate in both, especially since her Catholic faith has deepened tremendously as a result of this integration between East and West.
Jones, Grammarian and proof reader
I am a lay Catholic Revert. Married
60 years: 6 children, 12 grandchildren,
3 great grandchildren, living
in Middle Tennessee not far from
three children who look after
us with loving care.
I have no special training in
being a Grammarian here. My editorial
skills are natural gifts, made
stronger by my school-teacher-Mother,
and my own love of the language.
I am happy to be able to
volunteer my time and efforts
here to this important work. It’s
a privilege and a pleasure to
be able to serve the Lord Jesus
in any way, no matter how small.
Shalack, Grammarian and proof reader
John Shalack graduated from St.
Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago and majored in English
grammar at the University of Illinois.
After retiring from the USMC he
went to work as the Computer Service
Desk Manager at Darton College.
He is also Past Grand Knight and
current Financial Secretary of
the local Knights of Columbus
Council, as well as the Council
newsletter’s editor.
Coutinho, Grammarian and proof reader
Rob (Robert Patrick) was born in
California but his family moved east
before he was two years old. He
grew up in southeastern Massachusetts
and was always a practicing Catholic. He
graduated with a B. S. in Chemistry
and a minor in Physics from Framingham
(MA) State College in 1985. He
was a lieutenant in the U.S. Army
from 1985 to 1988 when he was
(honorably) discharged due to knee
In 1988 (with two of his four
children already born) he moved
to Pennsylvania and worked for
McNeil Consumer Products (the
makers of Tylenol). After
five years he moved back
to Massachusetts and worked in
a biotech company (Hybridon)
on a potential cure for AIDS. He
started to become sick around
this time but continued to
work. After working
in biotech, he worked for a generic
pharmaceutical company (Copley — now
owned by Teva Pharmaceuticals)
for a little over one year and
then had to go on disability for
CFIDS/FM (Chronic Fatigue Immune
Dysfunction Syndrome/Fibromyalgia).
He still lives in Westboro, MA,
where he, his wife, Mary-Jo, and
his four children have lived since
1994. He continues to hope
for a cure or "at least a
little more energy so I can try
to keep up with my kids". He
garnered his editorial skills
in high school, college and two
of his three pharmaceutical jobs
(professional courses taken for
writing). He asks for your prayers
for his illness and family.
Grammarian and proof reader
that have assisted us include some who were Camera shy:
- Nettie Taylor
- Jean Santoro
- Karin Bennett
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