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Politically Catholic

Check out who voted against Bill Clinton's impeachment: Perjury | Obstruction

    Send Warren and Markey an e-mail expressing your outrage in not supporting Catholic values and religious freedoms!
Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator

Washington Office

317 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4543

E-mail her today!

Ed Markey
United States Senator

Washington Office

218 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2742

E-mail him today!

Who are the Early Church Fathers? The Political Responsibility Center

Can we get married if ...? The Church and Politics: Are We as Restricted as We Think?

What types of religious orders are there? What you can do in your parish regarding elections

Who are the Early Church Fathers? Eternal Perspective Ministries - Prolife Resource List

Why do Catholic Christians ...? The Declaration of Independence.

Is this OK at Sunday Mass? United States Constitution.

Does the Pope ...? The Bill of Rights.

How can one merit ...? THOMAS: Legislative Information on the NET

Do unbaptized babies ...? Project Vote Smart

Author's note: Although Our Lord's Church doesn't hold on to any political party, It appears that "generally" our Republican representatives are more interested in restoring Christian morality than our democratic representatives. Nevertheless the posting of these following links is not a 100% endorsement of the matter they contain.

Should the priest be ...? The Patriot Post

How do I contact ...? Town Hall, Conservative News and Information

What is the bishops role in ...? Republican National Committee

I'm being drawn to the Catholic faith but ...? The Washington Times.

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Suggestions for this web page and the web site can be sent to Mike Humphrey
© 2012 Panoramic Sites
The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.