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Holy Quotes

Many who are not Catholic have sometimes been misinformed about the origins of the Church and have never been presented with the historical verbal evidence for the doctrines and teachings of the Catholic faith. I thought that if we could show the mind-set of the Early Church Fathers and Christian Catholics in the years 100 A.D., 200 A.D., 300 A.D., 400 A.D., etc. this could cause our separated brethren to
re-think certain doctrines that they have had a hard time accepting. I, myself, have found what these early Church Christians have said to be very edifying and sometimes interesting. Whether you are Catholic or not, I believe you will enjoy this new feature on our site.

"Holy Quotes" will deliver 'holy quotes' from the Early Church Fathers, saints and Popes throughout the age of our Church to your inbox on a regular basis of YOUR choosing. 

You say that you are swamped with e-mail already?

With Holy Quotes you can receive Holy Quotes every second, third, fourth or sixth day; or every first, second or third week or every one or two months! To start off you will be able to sign up for one OR ALL 'Holy Quotes'!

  • Which ones can you choose from?
  1. Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)
  2. Saints throughout the Age of the Church
  3. Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church
  4. Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri
  5. 52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.
  6. The Holy Scriptures Verse-Finder for Catholic Doctrines
  7. The Compendium of the Catechism for Christians and non-Christians
  8. Copy and Paste Punchy Catholic Prayers for e-mails

Now you can hear from the horses mouth:

  • St. Ignatius of Antioch who lived around 50-107AD
  • St. Polycarp of Smyrna who lived around 69-165AD
  • Pope St. Clement I of Rome who lived around 60-99AD
  • St. Augustine of Hippo who lived around 354-430AD and more!

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© 2012 Panoramic Sites
The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.