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AskACatholic Recommended Reading.

Our AskACatholic Library of Recommended Reading.

We encourage you to review our recommended AskACatholic reading suggestions from our library; a library which has over 179 books among 20 virtual bookselves (where each bookself containing any where frmo 4 to 20 books).

After the initial library was put together, I may have missed some very fine reading suggestions in one of the eleven topic areas.

You will be able to find these in the Leftovers section.

  1. Recommended books by Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina. (16)
  2. Early Church Fathers Collection. (16)
  3. Recommended Catholic Apologetic resources. (34)
  4. Recommended reading for non-Catholic Christian faithseekers. (16)
  5. Recommended reading for addressing Atheism arguments. (8)
  6. Memorization techniques for retaining Catholic Apologetic arguments. (4)
  7. Bibles, Bible resources, and recommendations. (36)
  8. Catechisms and other catechetical resources. (12)
  9. Recommended Theology reading. (12)
  10. Recommended Books on Mariology (The theological study of Mary, the mother of Jesus.)
  11. Marriage and marriage-related issuse. (12)
  12. Recommended reading on Homosexuality issues. (8)
  13. Leftovers: Extra recommended reading we found on various topic areas. (5)



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© 2012 Panoramic Sites
The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.