We encourage you to review our recommended AskACatholic reading suggestions from our library; a library which has over 179 books among 20 virtual bookselves (where each bookself containing any where frmo 4 to 20 books).
After the initial library was put together, I may have missed some very fine reading suggestions in one of the eleven topic areas.
You will be able to find these in the Leftovers section.
- Recommended books by Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina. (16)
- Early Church Fathers Collection. (16)
- Recommended Catholic Apologetic resources. (34)
- Recommended reading for non-Catholic Christian faithseekers. (16)
- Recommended reading for addressing Atheism arguments. (8)
- Memorization techniques for retaining Catholic Apologetic arguments. (4)
- Bibles, Bible resources, and recommendations. (36)
- Catechisms and other catechetical resources. (12)
- Recommended Theology reading. (12)
- Recommended Books on Mariology (The theological study of Mary, the mother of Jesus.)
- Marriage and marriage-related issuse. (12)
- Recommended reading on Homosexuality issues. (8)
- Leftovers: Extra recommended reading we found on various topic areas. (5)