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For those in need

Over the past nine years or so, there have been Christians around the world, Catholic and non-Catholic Christians who have written for either financial help and assistance and / or religious materials in countries where the Catholic faith is still growing. Some times I've received postal mails addressed to my home address requesting such materials.

I've talked the issue over with some of my trusted Catholic apologists on how best to handle this issue. Web/e-mail communications is virtuously anonymous. We don't know who we are really communicating with. We don't know whether, whoever is writing us, is, really, who they say they are.

As an initial solution to solving this issue, we would request that if you are a Christian Minister, Catholic priest or Christian religious man or woman of faith who needs either financial assistance or religious materials for your Catholic community to send us the postal address of the Catholic diocese you are from along with a priest-contact and e-mail address, if available. If you don't know the address, David Cheney has created a great web site for getting such information at:

If you send me an e-mail with the name, postal address and e-mail, if possible, of the priest overseeing Catholic charities for that diocese, I will post all names and postal addresses along with the requested needs for that community on a designated page on the web site. If there is no priest overseeing Catholic charities for that diocese, the name of any priest working in that diocese will be sufficient.

If you have any recommendations or ideas for improving this procedure, please e-mail them to me.


Mike Humphrey, Web Developer and Catholic Apologist

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