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From the Vatican

Pope FrancisThe intent of this web page is to contain the most recent and important encyclicals and Apostolic letters or similar "News of interest" coming from the Vatican.

Web sites and Communication Tools

The Pope's


Commentaries on the Sunday Liturgy from the Vatican:

Why should I pray? Commentaries from the Vatican


Why should I pray? Sistine Chapel — Virtual Tour

How do I stay holy? Official Acts Of The Holy See

How do I stay holy?  Useful information from the Vatican web site


Should there be Extraordinary Ministers at ...? Evangelium Vitae, (The Gospel of Life)

Where in Scripture does it say ...? Fides Et Ratio, (Faith and Reason)

What do Catholic Christians believe about ...? Dominum Et Vivificantem, (The Lord and Giver of Life)

How can Indulgences ...? Laborem Exercens, (On Human Work)

What is the meaning and purpose of ...? Centesimus Annus, (On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum)

I am divorced and remarried but wish to be reconciled... How do I ...? Redemptoris Missio, (On the Permanent Validity of the Church's Mission)

Can a woman religious ...?  Redemptoris Mater , (Mother of the Redeemer)

Is there a real ...?  Redemptor Hominis, (The Redeemer of Man)

How do I get my marriage reconciled with ...? Dives In Misericordia, (On the Mercy of God)

Can women be ...? Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, (On the Twentieth Anniv. of Populorum Progressio)

I'm confused about ...? Ut Unum Sint, (That They May Be One.)

Has the Church ever ...? Veritatis Splendor, (The Splendor of Truth)

Apostolic Letters:

When you die ...? Apostolos Suos, (On the Theo. and Juridical Nature of Episcopal Conferences)

If St. Paul says this, why do Catholic Christians ...? Ad Tuendam Fidem, (In Order to Safeguard the Faith)

I'm being drawn to the Catholic faith but ...?  Dies Domini, (On Keeping the Lord's Day)

Is this a 'T'radition, (with a capital T) of the Church? Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, (On Reserving Priestly Ordination for Men alone)

What does the Vatican do with ...? Tertio Millennio Adveniente, (On Prep. for The Jubilee Of The Year 2000)

Apostolic Exhortations:

Is this religious organization a cult? Catechesi Tradendae, (On Catechesis In Our Time)

Papal statements:

I'm thinking about getting involved in this, Is it demonic or new age? "The Church must learn to cope with the Computer Culture".

Are these books OK to read? Pope John Paul II's statement on evolution.

(CDF), Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and other Vatican councils:

If Catholics believe in Purgatory why ...? On Certain Questions regarding The Collaboration Of The Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priest

What is the difference between ...? The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality

If Hell exist why ...? Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage

Is this a 't'radition (with a small t) or practice of the Church? Reflections on Cloning from the Pontifical Academy for Life

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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.