This may be simply your body's way of dealing with the excess material it is producing, since it may be more than reabsorption permits. In time it should decrease, but don't despair, just offer it up. Every physical inconvenience we have is an opportunity for sacrifice. Think of those who lost the ability to reproduce through accident or warfare. They carry a great burden, so offer it for them. Sometimes the burden we bear is the loss of another.
We have to learn to make our lives a living sacrifice and reorient things for God's holy purpose. Things we can control, and can't control, are both able to be given to our Lord.
Some couples who suffer fertility issues, adopt, and can still encounter great challenges.
Nevertheless, people can make sacrifices for them and help them those who are going through hard times. As the body of Christ we impact each other so, reframe it for now, and in due time you will have greater peace.
Bob Kirby