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Anna Keltner wrote:

Hi, guys —

I once read a brief writing by Pope John Paul II on the subjects of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.

I believe it was written in the 1990's and the topic of Purgatory referred to the Council of Florence and the Council of Trent.  The unique aspect of this writing was that they, (Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory), were not places, but rather spiritual states of being.

I would appreciate help in finding this work. I have a friend who's pondering over Purgatory and asking me questions about it. Since the teaching was unique, as well as comfortable for me,
I'd like to be able to share it (and/or) direct him to the writing.

Thank you in advance,


  { Can you help me find some brief writings by Pope St. John Paul II on Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory? }

Mike replied:

Hi, Anna —

Got it!

I think you are referring to a set of three Wednesday General Audience speeches given by Pope St. John Paul II on:

  1. General Audience of Wednesday, July 21, 1999 (On Heaven)
  2. General Audience of Wednesday, July 28, 1999 (On Hell)
  3. General Audience of Wednesday, August 4, 1999 (On Purgatory)

EWTN has summarized all three talks on one page:

Side note: If you or others have a devotion to praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, check out my other website at dedicated to praying for the release of the Holy Souls from Purgatory. We are trying to start Purgatory Prayer Programs across the United States.

Get your FREE starter kit TODAY!

Hope this helps,


Anna replied:

Your a good man, Mike!!

Thanks so much — it's just what I needed to help a friend who is struggling with this issue.

You're good at what you do. Please know this is greatly appreciated. I feel confident John Paul II was anointed when he was inspired to write this. I felt blessed when I first read it, and pray it touches my friend in the same profound way.

Now here's another question:

  • Just what is a Catholic Charismatic?

I am one, but my same friend told me she was also a Charismatic and asked me what my definition was.

Since I have a unique charism, I better get the definition and make sure I am wearing the right label!

Thanks again, and God bless.

Anna Keltner

Mike replied:

Hi, Anna —

Thank-you for the kind words.

You said:
Now here's another question: Just what is a Catholic Charismatic?

Searching our knowledge base can find a lot of answers to questions you have:

Here is a Google search on the word Charismatic.

Just review each posting until you find an answer to your question, like:

Hope this helps,


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