Questions from searching or confused Christians.
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August 2024
How can I view these issues and topics differently since I believe in Jesus but not Catholicism?
January 2024
If I promised God I wouldn't commit this sin and told Him not to forgive me if I did, can I still be saved and how do I handle these bad words and thoughts that enter my mind?
January 2024
Why is a religion like Islam false and why is Catholicism the one and true way?
January 2024
I don't do pretense, so what can we do, knowing what we know, believing what we believe, and fit into the Church?
January 2024
Is this mortal sin or scrupulosity and should I continue bringing these doubtful sins to Confession?
August 2023
Can you help an aspiring teen looking to strengthen their Catholic faith by addressing some issues and answering some questions?
August 2023
How do I handle this situation, how does the Church view me as a non-practicing Protestant and am I allowed to observe Mass?
August 2023
Does abortion mean I'm excommunicated?; Can I go to Mass and receive?; and Can a priest or higher authority forgive my sin?
April 2023
With this school debt and inability to start a family, why should I continue being Catholic and what options do I really have?
January 2023
Seeing I have to interview a Catholic, can you answer a few questions for my World Religion assignment?
January 2023
How do we know if we are being attacked from the evil of depression, anger, and lies?
January 2023
How do I get rid of bad luck in my life; meaning, how do I stop bad things from happening and how do I start the New Year right?
January 2023
Will Jesus forgive me if I don't repeat these sins of the flesh again and will I be able to receive Holy Bread next Sunday?
January 2023
If I had a loved one with a dire medical issue and didn't trust God before finding that medical intervention had a 99.9% cure rate, would it be a sin?
August 2022
Do you have a priest who I can interview and ask a few questions; I am currently in college?
August 2022
How can I be more trusting and put these thoughts of Hell and punishment out of my head?
August 2022
What do I do when I feel unworthy and ashamed to pray due to porn addiction and I don't have access to Confession?
August 2022
How do I handle a situation, dealing with a contaminated priest engaging in sexual misconduct?
August 2022
Seeing I'm doing the best I can, what advice do you have for someone struggling with the sin of masturbation?