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Curious Chad wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • Are anal and oral sex allowed in a properly-defined Catholic marriage as long as the husband and wife appropriately (mate|copulate)?

I am actually just curious to know; I am not so much interested in trying it. I'm not even currently married.

I just know it wouldn't necessarily stop the bonding experience and it would still be open to children.



  { Are anal and oral sex OK in a Catholic marriage as long as the couple properly (mates|copulates)? }

Mike replied:

Dear Chad

No, they are not allowed and, in reference to the last statement in your e-mail, anal and oral sex contribute nothing to the openness of children.

We have addressed similar issues in our searchable knowledge base:

There are a lot of quick answers there, so give it a try.

I searched the knowledge base for you and found these web postings that should give you a good Catholic perspective:

Men and Women were created a specific way and each part of our body has a specific purpose in living out and pro-creating the next generation of Christians.

When we start putting parts of our body into [parts of other people's body] (for purposes they weren't intended for), over time, sickness and illness arise. Any doctor with any credibility will confirm this.

That's the long story, short.

Seeing you are a single Christian, focus on discerning either a call to the married life or, like St. Paul, a call to the single life. Renewing your Sunday Covenant while praying the Rosary and reading the Scriptures daily will help you to discern this issue.


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