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Keith Kerr wrote:


Thank you for such a helpful platform.

I went to Confession some time ago and the Confessor, a visiting priest, gave me for my penance, the Stations of the Cross every Wednesday and Friday. Until now, I have been doing so but have also missed out on some days. My questions are:

  • Do the prayers I've missed affect the validity of that Confession?
  • And, is it okay for me to break the frequency of the prayers?

Thank you.

Keith Kerr
  { Do the prayers I have missed affect the validity of my Confession and is it OK for me to break the frequency of my penance? }

Bob replied:

Dear Keith,

Thanks for the question.  

Typically, penances are rather short and easily completable, so I'm guessing this "prescription" was meant as an ongoing way to spiritual health.  It is almost like a spiritual director giving you guidance on how to better perfect your spiritual life.  I would say that doing this imperfectly does not invalidate the Confession because penance is not open-ended, as this is.

If, in Confession, a priest said, "Pray the Rosary every day," I would do my best to make that part of my routine but missing it here or there, doesn't negate the sacrament.  It is the same principle.

Priests mostly give very short prayers that can be completed in a few minutes.  I think this priest had a different intention in his instruction.


Bob Kirby

Keith replied:

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the response.

I've spoken with my Confessor about it today and he explained it just as you have.



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