Mayson Patrus wrote: |
Hi, guys —
- What do the Muslims, Christians, and Jewish people say when they surrender their life for death — meaning, before they die?
{ What do the Muslims, Christians, and Jewish people say when they surrender their life, for death — meaning, before they die? } |
Eric replied:
Christians do not have a fixed customary saying for this situation.
"The pious" might utter the name of Jesus or repeat his final words on the Cross:
"Into your hands, I commend my spirit,"
but in general, it varies. |
I can't speak for Jews, but I am not aware of any customary saying for them. |
I know Muslims say "Allahu Akbar" (pardon the phonetics; it is Arabic for "God is great") when they are about to die in a terrorist act, but I don't know if they say that when expiring — say, on a hospital table. |