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Hector Hernandez wrote:

Greetings Brothers,

  • How can we know that our suffering is a cleansing chastisement?
  • We suffer because of our decisions when we are deceased, but if we unite this suffering to Christ on the Cross, does it become God’s purification for us?
  • Is it that simple?



  { How can we know that our suffering is a cleansing chastisement; . . . is it that simple? }

Mike replied:

Dear Hector,

You said:

  • How can we know that our suffering is cleansing chastisement?

I would rather say it is a cleansing purification of our souls. We know because the Church teaches us so.

You said:

  • We suffer because of our decisions and that we are deceased, but if we unite this suffering to Christ on the Cross, does it become God’s purification for us?
  • Is it that simple?

YES! As we are part of the Mystical Body of Christ, it becomes our purification; though I would be careful how, and when, you use the word “deceased”.

Yes, we are no longer on our Earthly pilgrimage, so we are dead to the world but after our passing we are alive in Jesus weather we are being purified or are totally purified!!!

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