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Michael Ceschini wrote:

Hi, guys —

I have recently came across this article:

While researching Our Lady of Guadalupe, they say that the image was faked, and possibly done more recently by humans.

  • The "scientists" don't seem to be that creditable, but as Catholics how would we respond to the claim that the tilma of Guadalupe was faked and done with modern technology?

In Christ,

Michael C.

  { How would we reply to claims the tilma of Guadalupe was faked and done with modern Hi-Tech? }

Mike replied:

Dear Michael,

You said:
The "scientists" don't seem to be that creditable, but as Catholics how would we respond to the claim that the tilma of Guadalupe was faked and done with modern technology?

Easy. By saying you believe in the Church more than “scientists” whose background or religious faith, if any, you know nothing about.


Bob replied:

Dear Michael,

I’m not sure if anyone ever got back to you on this, so here is my recommendation, better late than never.

The pedigree of the tilma and corresponding image, and hence the historicity of Juan Diego are attested to with reliable historical sources that predate the assertions of the skeptical doctor/scientist on whom the article is based.

A recently published book written by a former skeptic has an extensive bibliography with historical references, and a profound thesis as to how the massive conversions of the indigenous peoples were linked to the image and Juan Diego story.  It is a must read for anyone interested in Guadalupe.  I was reinvigorated upon listening to the authors and then reading the work.

Find the book here:

I’m sure you will be fascinated by this new understanding and will really enjoy it.

You can also search YouTube for the authors and podcasts that explain it further.



Bob Kirby

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