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Questions about the Catholic view of Justification and Salvation
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Posting date Questions
April 2007 Considering Romans 4, how does the Church teach that we are saved by faith and good works?
April 2007 As a new convert, what can I read to satisfy my concerns on the Catholic view of justification?
September 2006 Can you help me better understand the difference between (faith and works) verse faith alone?
September 2006 Since Cornelius received the Holy Spirit before being baptized, is Baptism really necessary?
September 2006 Why does the Church teach we are saved by faith and works when we are saved by faith alone?
April 2006 Is my understanding of how we are saved correct and is this No-Salvation-Outside Teaching true?
April 2006 Does Mary have the same glory as Jesus, what are saintly merits, and where did Jesus descend to?
June 2005 Can I refute one of your flawed replies that said we are saved by grace and not by the Blood of Jesus through faith and good works?
April 2005 If we are saved through faith and works, how would we know if we have done enough to secure our place in Heaven?
November 2003 What is the Catholic view of salvation and getting to Heaven?
November 2003 Why do you pray to Mary and the saints instead of Jesus and why do you confess your sins to a priest rather than Jesus?
November 2003 Since, like my Christian friend, I accept Christ as my Personal Savior, is this just a semantic issue?
October 2002 Can you send some authentic documents that define whether all graces flow through the Church?
October 2002 Given this hypothetical scenario and person, is John Doe saved according to the Catholic Church?
October 2002 What is the probability of salvation for someone who has committed suicide?
August 2000 Can a Catholic who left the Church, be re-baptized elsewhere and would the Church ever change?
August 2000 Does Mary's special grace of pre-emptive salvation contradict her free will and, if so, . . .?
August 2000 How do I explain these verses to show, he needs to work out his salvation with fear and trembling?
August 2000 Can you help clarify: "By Baptism we become the adopted children of God, and heirs with Christ"?
August 2000 Why do we need a Savior and what do we need to be saved from?
August 2000 If I believe in Jesus; that He died for my sins; rose again and has saved me, will I go to Heaven?
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