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Questions about Holy Orders and the Priesthood
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Posting date Questions
November 2007 Why would a faith so devoted to the family life, not allow priests to marry?
April 2007 Why do priests wear black and not some other color?
September 2006 Why does the Church only allow men to be priests, bishops, cardinals, etc.?
September 2006 Why do Catholics call the priest father and why do you pray to Mary, when Jesus is the only way?
September 2006 What is the difference between a deacon, a brother, and a priest?
April 2006 When a Catholic priest leaves his religious order, how is he relieved and who is he obedient to?
October 2005 Are Catholic priests the only priests who have valid Holy Orders or do other faiths have them?
May 2005 Why aren't your leaders allowed to marry as in Genesis 1-2 and what is the Scriptural basis for no married priests?
April 2005 What would you say to the young people who are thinking about a vocation to the religious life?
April 2005 Is there any truth to the point that the Church eliminate the married priesthood because priests were giving away Church land?
November 2003 Is the Catholic faith, for or against, women priests?; I need an answer for a project I'm doing.
October 2002 Has there been a change by the Roman Catholic Church that accepts Anglican Orders as valid?
October 2002 Do you have an explanation for my Episcopalian friend on why women cannot be ordained priests?
October 2002 Why can't Catholic priests get married when Eastern Rite and Greek Orthodox priests can?
August 2000 How do I refute this argument on married priests versus clerical celibacy?
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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.