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John A. Whincup wrote:

Hi, guys —

All indicators manifest a rupture in the natural organic evolution of the Mass since Vatican II.

The leftist periti gained considerable control, especially of the Liturgy, after the closure of the valid Council, Vatican II. The Bugnini Mass, the so-called "normative" Mass used today, is being recognized forty years after the fact as being a mistake and rupture of Tradition.

Pope John Paul II saw it, and our present Patriarch Good Pope Benedict XVI saw the rape and horrendous abuses of the Sacred Liturgy since the close of Vatican II. Pope Paul VI forced this abuse, the Novus Ordo Mass, on the people, and this is one of the prime reasons millions have either left the Latin Catholic Church, or attend no church whatsoever.

Pope Benedict XVI, I believe, will slowly correct the blasphemies in the Liturgy since the introduction of Pope Paul VI's Liturgy. I can see a universal indult and a revival in the Roman Catholic Church with the return of the Tridentine Mass. Millions seek it out. Churches where the Mass of All Ages is celebrated, are filled to overflow, while the Novus Ordo Masses are half empty or half full. The cookie Masses, clown Masses and dancy-prancy Masses are over; the reform of the reform is coming.

I am a convert to Catholic Christendom. I left the Protestant Anglican church to worship in the true Church, only to find the Mass radically changed and more Protestant than Protestant.

  • How do you address this reality I've run into?

John A. Whincup

  { How does a Catholic convert from Anglicanism address the reality of the rupture between the Novus Ordo and Tridentine Masses? }

Mike replied:

Hi John,

No one will deny we have our share of problems in the Church today.

  • Why?

Because we are a "human" family, but let's step back a bit. This is not the first time we have had problems in the Church. We always have had them and always will. The issue is:

  • How do we respond to the problems?

I believe by prayer and living a sacramental life.

You said:
The leftist periti gained considerable control, especially of the Liturgy, after the closure of the valid Council, Vatican II. The Bugnini Mass, the so-called "normative" Mass used today, is being recognized forty years after the fact as being a mistake and rupture of Tradition.

I disagree. Basically, what you are saying is the Holy Spirit allowed a "rupture of Sacred Tradition" within the Church. How Holy Mass is said is an issue of faith and morals. The Holy Spirit is not sleeping while the leftist periti are demonizing the Church. And even if the leftist periti were demonizing the Church, on issues of faith and morals, Jesus promised His Church would not fail. Matthew 16:13-19. When I visited my Benedictine friends at the Abbey, I remembered stories of Popes that had planned to define and declare immoral doctrines, just to wake up the next day, dead in their beds.

  • Who do you think has more power: the Holy Spirit or the leftist periti?

You said:
I can see a universal indult and a revival in the Roman Catholic Church with the return of the Tridentine Mass.

John, we have the Tridentine Mass in the Church already. The problem: not all bishops are allowing an indult Mass in their diocese per Ecclesia Dei. If you have suggestions on how we can persuade all US bishops to allow at least one in each diocese, I will post it on my web site!

  • Sound fair?

You said:
I am a convert to Catholic Christendom. I left the Protestant Anglican church to worship in the true Church, only to find the Mass radically changed and more Protestant than Protestant.

It may seem that way John, but it isn't.

  • Why?

Because Anglican orders are invalid. Only the Catholic Church can ensure three things at the same time:

  1. Valid Apostolic Holy Orders.
  2. The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, and
  3. A history of faithful members that have been loyal to the Vicar of Christ, St. Peter, since 33 A.D.

I am sure you have your personal reasons for coming home. If you are interested read my:

Take care, and if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask us.


Mary Ann replied:

Dear John,

I agree with what Mike said, and I would add: The Novus Ordo Mass should not be confused with:

  • its translation into English (which is horrendous) and
  • its manner of celebration.

That said, not even the translation and manner of celebration make it invalid. They just make it aesthetically unbearable and perhaps illegal (in the case of celebrations that break rules). Some aberrations and practices do work to create a Protestant-like atmosphere and understanding of the Eucharist.

We needed to recover some Protestant aspects of the Eucharist, like the community aspect and the memorial supper, without losing the sense of holiness and the reality of the Sacrifice. The Novus Ordo Mass actually goes back to the ancient tradition, if you read a history of the Roman Rite.

Personally, I think the Novus Ordo is just what we deserved. It was a stripping of the garments of the Church. It's a good Mass to take into the new catacombs.

Mary Ann

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