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Georgiana Preskar wrote:

Hi, guys —

Thank you for considering my question.

I am a female Catholic who has been married for 33 years and has two children. Recently, there has been a new priest sent to replace our Monsignor.

He leans towards, what I consider, new age things in the Mass. He now has music playing during the consecration.

  • Is this acceptable?
  • My second question is, who puts together the Mass booklets?

We read the Passion today in Church and the crucifixion portion was changed. The two thieves were called revolutionaries and then the narrative said that they continued to abuse Jesus as they hung on the Cross. Jesus never forgave either one of them.

  • Is this change in Biblical Scripture acceptable?

It really bothered me.

I look forward to hearing from you.


  { Is playing music during the consecration acceptable and changing the Passion narrative allowed? }

Mike replied:

Hi, Georgiana —

  1. the new age movement goes contrary to everything the Catholic Church teaches
  2. Playing music during the consecration is wrong.

You should notify your local bishop of both these issues.

Hope this helps,


John replied:

Hi Georgiana,

Regarding the Gospel translation, all parishes must use approved translations.

Unfortunately, some of the approved translations leave much to be desired; and this is just one of the cases.

Lets look at the text in Matthew:

44 Even the robbers who were crucified with Him reviled Him with the same thing.

Matthew 27:44

According to the original text, the word robbers is the Greek word leistes or leistes (in our alphabet). It comes from the word leizomai or leizomai (which means to plunder).

While it is true that revolutionaries sometime plunder, to translate the text to revolutionaries, as opposed to robber, thief, or brigand, is an attempt to read into the text that which is not there. It seems as though the translators had a politically correct motive.

The term revolutionaries clearly has some noble connotations; if in fact the revolutionaries are fighting injustice, but there is absolutely nothing in the Gospel text that tells us the circumstances surrounding their conviction. Hence we are left with the Greek word leistes which means:

  • thief
  • robber, or
  • brigand.
  1. Mark uses the same Greek word in his account.
  2. Luke on the other hand uses the word kakourgos or kakourgos which means:
    • wrong-doer
    • evil-doer, or
    • criminal.
  3. John, simply records that two others were crucified along with Jesus.

I will say this in the defense of the translators. In John 18:40, John calls Barabbas a robber (using the Greek word leistes). Some traditions paint Barabbas as a zealot and an insurgent but that's really not sufficient grounds to call the two thieves, crucified next to Jesus, revolutionaries.

Again, it seems to be politically motivated translation.

Hope this helps,


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