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Samantha Luty wrote:

Hi, guys —

I am fairly new to the Catholic faith. My conversion is mostly due to my nephew, who converted years before I did. He is now stationed in San Diego, and has been talking about joining the Masons. I fear, for his sake, that he is being led down a corrupt path. My father was a mason and I have even told people that he worshiped at the altar of the Masonic lodge, so I know just how corrupt this organization is.

As a child, I was forced to join their groups for young girls, however, I got out of them as soon as I possibly could, and have never looked back.

I believe he is wanting to do this out of respect for his grandfather and for his memory.

My question is this:

  • What can I do to prevent him from making this grave mistake?
  • Are there any books written on this that I can get to send to him before its too late?

I'm so afraid that I'm already too late. I haven't brought this up with my parish priest because I am not sure how to approach the issue.

  • Can you give me any suggestions?

God Bless You,


  { What can I do to prevent my nephew from joining the Masons and are there books I can give him? }

Mary Ann replied:

Samantha —

I commend you on your concern. You could tell your nephew that it is forbidden for Catholics to join the Masons and that the Masons consider the Catholic Church to be their principal enemy.

The higher degrees of Masonry are connected with the occult.

You might tell him that the lower degrees of Masonry are made to seem to be a fairly innocent men's club with a benign religion. There are a variety of exposés of Masonry you could find and give him.

Here is a link from the Catholic Encyclopedia about Masonry:

Most importantly, pray and fast for him. [Destroy|burn] any Masonic paraphernalia that may be in the family, and renounce for yourself and him, explicitly, any demonic influence in the family that came via Masonry.

God bless you.

Mary Ann

Mike replied:

Hi, Samantha —

Try these:

I have not personally read them but they look good.


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