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Jody LaLande wrote:

Hi, guys —

I have been running across people who believe that Adam, based on the language used in Genesis, was originally a hermaphrodite and he was separated via the [rib|side] into two different creatures.

And then, just to poke at me, someone suggested that since Jesus was referred to as "the last Adam" (by our definition, the last person born without original sin) that He was also a hermaphrodite; hence he did not marry. This upsets me as it sets up an argument that:

  1. God Almighty made a mistake in how he originally created man, and
  2. that Jesus' perfection as a human was in the form of a hermaphrodite and that opens a whole other debate on both homosexuality and questions the perfection of marital union.

Please advise if you can.


  { Was Adam originally a hermaphrodite, and since Jesus was referred to as the last Adam, was He? }

Paul replied:

Dear Jody,

Adam was not a hermaphrodite, nor was Jesus.

Original sin could not have affected the first Adam in his creation, for he was without the imperfection due to original sin before the fall. Jesus was not only the perfect man, but was divine too.

There is a poetic way of reading the Adam and Eve story that communicates profound truths about human nature, our relationship with God, and with each other. This literary form is allegorical and is often called symbolic history:

The Eden story is seen as real history, but many of the particular points in it are symbols of realities much greater than themselves.

If you get a chance read Pope Benedict's book:


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