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Zach wrote:

Hi, guys —

I want to get an answer to this question though I realize it has been asked before. The answers I have read seemed to just argue that material items are important to the Church.

  • If the Vatican and Catholic Church praise the Lord Jesus and realize that showing love, compassion, and helping people is the best way to be closer to Jesus, as taught in the Bible, then why do they have a combined estimated wealth of 10-15 billion dollars?

  • Why do they not give up this money that is created and used by:
    • evil people
    • corporations in this world just to benefit the elite, or
    • the top 1 percent (This top 1 percent of global wealth holders has a combined wealth of the poorest 50 percent of humanity.)

    to try make a difference in the world?

. . . one that has so many problems because of greed and money.

  • Why not use it to better the human population that is looking so doomed?

One quote I like to bring up is:

Sell the Vatican, feed the world.

I am looking forward to your reply and interested in what you have to say.



  { Why doesn't the Church use all the money it has to better the human population? }

and in a similar question:

Isaac wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • The Catholic Church has a lot of money so why doesn't it raise and spend that money to fund something like cancer research or end world hunger instead of using whatever money that is left over on their clothes and fancy buildings?

  • Do they really need such nice robes and shoes and ornate conference buildings when even Jesus and His Twelve Disciples were poor people?


  { Since the Church has so much money, why not spend it for good causes instead of fancy buildings? }

Mike replied:


Like many in the mainstream media, you have a distorted view of the Catholic Church and what she does.

You said:

  • If the Vatican and Catholic Church praise the Lord Jesus and realize that showing love, compassion, and helping people is the best way to be closer to Jesus, as taught in the Bible, then why do they have a combined estimated wealth of 10-15 billion dollars?

Because members in the Church:

  • believe in Jesus and the Church He founded, and
  • believe the money they donate will effectively show love, compassion, and help people is the best way to be closer to Jesus, as taught in the Bible in the various ministries and apostolates the Catholic Church runs and maintains worldwide like:

    • Charities
    • Hospitals
    • Schools at all levels
    • Legal organizations (both Church and Civil)
    • Moral and ethical organizations
    • Evangelization and Apologetic organizations
    • Pregnancy centers for women in need
    • And a whole array of other ministries.

Surely you know that Jesus Himself said, you will always have the poor. (John 12:8)

You said:

  • Why not use it to better the human population that is looking so doomed?

She does! I just mentioned an array of ministries. Because Catholics historically were the very first Christians, there is not an invention or ideal throughout history that has not been influenced by Catholics in any given field.

You said:
One quote I like to bring up is

Sell the Vatican, feed the world.


Sell the Vatican and watch even more people starve, spiritually and physically.

  • Do you seriously think the mainstream media is going to accurately give credit for all the charitable work the Catholic Church and the Vatican does?

    If so, you must be crazy. Beside, as taught in the Bible, this is not the way Jesus would want it. Read Matthew 6:2-4.

I hope this helps,


Mike replied:

Dear Isaac,

This is a common question; it's even in our searchable knowledge base:

There are a lot of quick answers there, so give it a try.

I searched the knowledge base for you and found these web postings that may help:

Let me also pitch in my two cents.

You said:

  • The Catholic Church has a lot of money so why doesn't it raise and spend that money to fund something like cancer research or end world hunger instead of using whatever money that is left over on their clothes and fancy buildings?

Two points.

  • First, who said the Church doesn't raise money for cancer research and to end world hunger?

The problem is not with what the Church does, but with what the mass media (even local news) does not do:

Highlight the works and deeds of the Church with the money She has.

  • Who do you think is the largest global supplier of health care around the world?
    <The Catholic Church — of course.> Haven't you ever heard of Catholic Charities?

  • Where do people around the world go for the best education for their children?
    <To Catholic schools — the grades of graduates speak for themselves.>

Secondly, those buildings represent our historical heritage and that clothing you are referring to is connected to how we worship and praise our Creator.

  • Are you saying that He who is God does not deserve the best we have to offer him in clothing and ornate buildings?

There is a unique Catholic heritage going back to 33 A.D.

  • If you are a Catholic, you should already know this.
  • If you are not a Catholic, find out more about the history of our faith and our teachings before complaining.

You said:

  • Do they really need such nice robes and shoes and ornate conference buildings when even Jesus and His Twelve Disciples were poor people?

The salary of any Catholic priest is indeed modest and probably based on what the diocese can afford and you can't base the wealth of a priest on his clothing because many times his clothing is connected to our worship service.

  • Do you know of any millionaire priests?
  • How do you know that priests are not poor people?

3 But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Matthew 6:3-4

Just my two cents.


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