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Susan C. wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • What is the Catholic view on how Christians will be judged?


  { What is the Catholic view on how Christians will be judged? }

Bob replied:


Thanks for the question.

That's a big question, one best served by accessing the Catechism, where you can find a much more thorough treatment of the subject. Let me give you one way of explaining it. Jesus is both Savior and Judge, and to those who accepted Him, He gave power to become the children of God (cf. John 1:11-13). To every soul that allows the grace of God to enter in, He can adopt them and make them like Himself. At judgement if He recognizes in that soul the likeness of Himself, they may enter in, when He sees no kinship, they do not. Think about that rather that a courtroom and you will see something that says a lot about the Catholic view of salvation and judgement.

If you are questioning how Catholics view other christians, those who profess Christ but not the Catholic Faith, yes, they can be saved — only Christ is capable of sorting out whether they resisted the grace of God that tried to nudge them to the one true Church. If they are saved, it is because they had the good will to follow Christ wherever He led them, and from the very grace that emanates from His Church, without which no one can be saved — because Christ is the Church, and we are His Body. That being said, being outside the Catholic Church is fraught with more danger, like a small lifeboat on rough seas versus the Ark built to bring one to safety.

Christ wants everyone to be Catholic, because he established only one Church, and all other Christian churches must find their genesis in Her.

That was always the plan, but nonetheless God draws outside the lines all the time.


Bob Kirby

Susan replied:

Hi, Bob —

Thanks so much for your effort in trying to answer a difficult question.

Agreed, Jesus is our only Savior. I am glad that you feel safe in the Catholic Church.

In the early 70s I became a JW. (At that time, there was no Internet or other sources of information about the JWs.) Before I joined I visited a high-up Catholic priest, a brethren minister and a Methodist minister, hoping to find a different way to God (other than from the JWs) but was very disappointed in the lame answers I got to many questions.

I reluctantly joined the JWs and soon got to know about religions that claim to be the only True ones. So whenever a church that makes that claim I am very wary; usually it is the sects who make such claims.

A very close friend is Orthodox and they make the same claim as the Catholics, Very confusing.

Thanks and God bless you.


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