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Full of Guilt Sue wrote:

Dear Father,

I have been a practicing Catholic all my life. In my younger years I did some things that I am deeply sorry for and ashamed of. These things, I know I can never confess.

It bother's me on a daily basis.

  • Will I be separated from the Lord forever?

I always ask Him for His Forgiveness.


  { Will these things I did in my youth be forgiven or will I be separated from the Lord forever? }

Eric replied:

Dear Sue,

Actually we are not priests, only lay people helping other lay people but . . .

  • If you had what looked like a cancer growing on a private area of your body, would you be too ashamed to show it to a doctor and get healing?
  • Or would you prefer to die?

The priest is like a doctor who needs to hear your sins in order to heal you of their damage, just as a doctor needs to see what ails you.

Yes, you need to confess them to a priest. It doesn't matter which Catholic priest; you can go anonymously in another parish or town, or behind a screen. That's why they have them. This is why it is bothering you every day: You have not confessed it to a priest, and as long as you hold it in, it will continue to fester and putrefy. Once you confess it, I believe you will feel weight lifted from your shoulders and great peace. You will be restored to your relationship with the Lord.

Unless you confess to a newly-ordained priest, there is likely nothing the priest hasn't heard before. None of it will surprise him. Don't give into despair. Don't be so proud as to think that your sins are special and are unconfessable. That's a lie straight from the pit of Hell.

You said:
I always ask Him for His Forgiveness.

This is a great habit to be in, but obviously it's not working for you with these particular sins. There is grace that you need that is only available in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

God's Mercy is waiting for you!

Tomorrow is Mercy Sunday, an ideal time to go to Confession. If you go to Confession, received the Eucharist, and observe Mercy Sunday, St. Faustina says all the impurities you have, that require Purgatory, will be wiped away and the slate will be clean.

This is a great gift and a wonderful promise!


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