Hi Dick,
Suppose a military film was being made and the producer
had the means to capture every event in war that
ever took place in the most minute of details, including
bombs, bullets, individuals with names, dog tags,
and every location of every plane crash that ever
occurred during battle.
Keep in mind that Satan has every bit of that information,
and for purposes of deception, he can and does confer
such information to various individuals (other
than the one's who actually experienced them) after
such events take place. We have no idea about the
background of this boy or that of his parents, and
whether or not the parents are into nefarious practices.
There could even be what is known as a generational
curse involved here. In either case, since
this boy is an advocate of reincarnation he is being
fed by Satan, a demon, or a damned soul.
Reincarnation is a false concept for a number of
reasons, but there is no doubt this false philosophy
has an advocate in the western media as witnessed
by the coverage of this young boy. In fact, we've
seen an explosion of non-Christian Eastern Religions
throughout every form of media with blistering attacks
against Catholicism.
- From Buddhism to Hinduism
- from
Martial Arts to Yoga
- from Transcendental Meditation
to the occult
- and Christian Zen
have seen a relentless push to undermine Christianity.
In fact, Eastern thought has found its way, not
only into the media, but into Catholic Workshops,
Retreat Centers, Religious Orders, and into the mind
set of many who call themselves Catholic but no longer
hold to the doctrine and precepts of the Catholic
Church. Combine this with the fact that we live in
the day of relativism (the denial
that absolute truths exist in reason, morality, and
faith) and you have compounded the problem.
There are many advocates of reincarnation (in
the western world, in particular) who mix and
match theology and philosophy for the sake of being Eclectic. Eclectic is
a buzz word often used by those in rebellion, but
it's use, by these people, is always puerile
and indicative of a soul that is searching but refusing
to see because they do not want to give up their
sin. They use this word to massage their ego and
to sound profound in tandem with an attempt to assuage
their guilty conscience so they can scratch any itch
they have. Invariably it is a word used with a furrowed
brow which is indicative of two things: insecurity
and pride.
If we are:
- divine (as advocates of reincarnation
- and if all is one
- and if there is no transcendent creator who is other
than created reality
- Who then, is it that caused the original
breach in
this alleged absolute one to begin with?
We must keep in mind there is a difference between simultaneous
existence and shared essence. The
distinction between the two does not blur the distinction
between essence and entity just because all things
simultaneously exist. In fact, all is not one.
All things simply exist simultaneously in their own subjective/objective relation
to other things. Nothing that has been created
is divine in its own nature.
- What does this mean regarding Eastern thought?
thought is into the fix for that which
we suffer without accounting for the origins of what
we suffer. So, when the Dalai Lama wishes to pontificate
and says:
"We are in a quest to return to our original
A question must be asked of him, and it is this:
- Who is it that made us lose that primal
innocence to begin with?
If there is no transcendent creator, then the flaw
which caused this primal breach, this primal
loss that caused us to lose our original
is intrinsic to the Eastern concept of reality. This
renders their hope for enlightenment impossible
to achieve because the breach, the inherent flaw
which caused us to lose our primal innocence, lays
dormant, at best, in this absolute one,
and will occur again because of an inherent dualism in
Eastern principles. The Yin and the Yang must each
have their way and this, in itself, cancels out the
concepts of reincarnation, karma, enlightenment,
What we see in Eastern thought is none other than
a grasp at divinity, as did Adam, and a desire to self-redeem, and nothing more. It is Adam's children
in rebellion, grasping at divinity, but in reincarnation
we find impenitence before God. Instead of repenting,
man fashions his own methods of self-redemption which
can do nothing for him. He is bound to live only
according to the "Natural Law" of morality
which, at best, serves as a vestment for decent living
which is used to cloak the evil found within concepts
such as reincarnation. None of it can redeem him.
Only Christ can redeem man.
People who have turned from God enjoy anything that
makes them go uuuu and ahhhhh,
so long as it justifies their rebellion. This is
precisely why we see the media run the story of this
Things like this do not surprise me. I could point
to stories of possessions where the thoughts of individuals,
that were impressed on them by Satan during the exorcism,
came out, revealing things hidden in the lives of
others, including things that would be found in other
locations (giving the appearance
of the divine) that
would far outweigh what is presented concerning the
coverage of that young boy.
Sad to say, but it's the case.
Remember in the Gospels, a child was possessed from
birth, and Christ was asked how it could be. Parents
can curse their children, or the cause of possession
could even be a genealogical curse that can result
in possession of offspring. In fact, we all suffer
because of the sin of those who have gone before
us all the way back to our first parents. Keep in
mind, Satan is given a certain degree of power over
such people and can input sensory phantasms into
their imagination and can convince the person he
is duping that the phantasms he implants are credible.
This is something the recipient of those phantasms
end up believing they actually experienced in past
lives they've allegedly lived.
Any connection to the past of another individual,
that is then internalized and turns to be an advocate
of things such as reincarnation, comes from an inspiration
from the enemy below.