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Nitram wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • Why does the Church teach that membership in the Catholic Church is necessary for all men to be saved?
  • Is this to be read and interpreted literally?
  • Are all of the dogmas of the Catholic Church (i.e. the doctrines on salvation) still held to be completely true?

Looking forward to your reply,


  { Why is Church membership needed to be saved and are all dogmas of the Church still fully true? }

Mike replied:

Hi, Nitram —

You are referring to our teaching that Outside the Church there is no salvation.

You have to interpret it according to what the Church teaches.

The very best way to understand this very important doctrine of the faith is to read the web postings in the subsection that has been set apart for this question.

After reading all the web postings, I think you will have a good understanding of the Catholic view of this teaching:


There are currently only four pages of postings:

If you sense it is too much, just read one or two postings a day.


Paul replied:

Dear Nitram,

You said:

  • Are all of the dogmas of the Catholic Church (i.e. the doctrines on salvation) still held to be completely true?

Dogmas of the Catholic Church can grow in our understanding of them but cannot change in their substance.

A dogma refers to a revealed truth from God, i.e. the unchanging Word of God. These doctrines on matters of faith and morals cannot change and will always be valid.



Nitram replied:

Thanks Mike!
Thanks Paul!

You've given me plenty of homework for which I sincerely thank you.

I'll start reading though the pages you suggested.

I suspect it will take me quite a while, nevertheless, it's one of those questions that has really been on my heart so it's worth putting in the effort to satisfy its longings.

I'll e-mail you with my conclusions.

Happy New Year to you both of you.

God bless,


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