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Joseph S. Papandrea wrote:

Dear Sir,

  • I am wondering what the Catholic teaching on Baptism is?

I know that the Creed says that we believe in one Baptism for the forgiveness of sin. I believe that the Church also teaches that a man must know and understand what he is doing is wrong.

  • Is it a mortal sin for a friend of mine, that was raised and baptized in the Church, but is now a Protestant, to be baptized as an adult?
  • What can I do to convince him to stay in the Church?

Biblical quotations would be most helpful.

  • Is it possible that the Church would change its position for ecumenical reasons?

Thanks for your time and consideration!

Sincerely yours,

Joe P.

  { Can a Catholic who left the Church, be re-baptized elsewhere and would the Church ever change? }

John replied:

Hi, Joseph —

Thank you for your question.

Once a person is validly baptized, with the proper intention and formula, no matter what Christian Church he was baptized in, he cannot be baptized again. Remember, when we pour water over someone's forehead or immerse someone in water, it is an outward sign of a spiritual reality.

Therefore any subsequent sprinkling or immersion will simply succeed in getting the person wet. There is no action of the Holy Spirit to regenerate again and again. Once someone is born again in Baptism, they don't need to be born again as an adult.

They may however, experience a wonderful conversion which many of us do. Some Evangelicals confuse this experience as being born again. They also only believe that Baptism is a symbol and that the action of the Holy Spirit has already taken place.

Now as to the sinfulness of the act, it lies more in leaving the Church, providing he understands it is a sin, than in trying to be baptized a second time.

As for Biblical quotes, there are not any which are too explicit. The practice of the Early Church is implicit rather then explicit in the Scriptures. A fundamentalist reading the text will simply look for a formula, (i.e. a + b = c ), so they will point to Acts 3 where Peter says repent and be baptized. From there, they go on to say an infant can't repent, therefore only adults should be baptized. What they fail to see is that the Scriptures talk about entire households being baptized.
In Galatians, Paul talks about Baptism replacing Circumcision.

To be administered to children "Infant Baptism".
Matthew 8:5ff
Servant healed because of Centurion's faith.
Matthew 15:21ff
Daughter healed because of the Canaanite woman's faith.
Matthew 18:14
It is not the will of God that children be damned.
Matthew 19:14
"Let the children come to me."
Mark 10:14
Let the children come, for such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Luke 7:1ff
Just say the word, and let my servant be healed.
Luke 18:15-17
People were bringing even infants to him ... whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it."
John 3:5; Mark 16:16
No one enters Heaven without baptism of water and spirit.
Acts 16:15
Paul and Silas baptize Lydia and her whole household.
Acts 16:30-33
Paul and Silas baptize a prison guard and his whole family.
Acts 18:8
Crispus, his family, and other Corinthians are baptized.
Romans 5:18-19
All are born with Adam's sin and need baptism.
1 Corinthians 1:16
"I baptized the household of Stephanas."
Colossians 2:11-12
Baptism has replaced circumcision.
See also:
Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15, Acts 2:39, 1 Corinthians 15:22
St. Hippolytus of Rome (c. 215 A.D.)
"Baptize first the children; and if they can speak for themselves, let them do so. Otherwise, let their parents or other relatives speak for them." (The Apostolic Tradition 21)
Origen (post 244 A.D.)
"The Church received from the Apostles the tradition of giving baptism also to infants." (Commentary on Romans 5, 9)
St. Cyprian of Carthage (252 A.D.)
This council [Council of Carthage] condemned the opinion that infants must wait until the eighth day after birth to be baptized, as was the case with circumcision. (Letter 64 (59), 2)

Interested in what other Christians in the Early Church thought, taught, and died for?
Check out what they said on this topic.
Since Baptism is the sign of the New Covenant, Jews converting to Christianity, who had always understood their children to be part of the Covenant, would have baptized their children.

Baptism is a matter of our Sacramental Theology. The essence of what the Church teaches can never change for any reason be it ecumenical or any other reason. We are bound by the Revelation of Christ.

We could no more change our teaching on Eucharist, Holy Orders and so on. The way we practice these may change, but the essence will always be the same.

Hope this helps,

Under His Mercy,

John C. DiMascio

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