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Christopher Corgiat wrote:


I read your reply to following posting:

but I have a few more questions.

  1. In my recent conversation with my good friend, a non-denominational Protestant, he said:

      “In my eyes, the strongest evidence [against the divine inspiration of the Deuterocanonical books] is that Jesus and His Apostles never quote or teach from them.”

    This seems to be a reoccurring Protestant argument.
  • Aside from the references Jesus made to the Septuagint, did Jesus and/or the Apostles quote from every book of the Old Testament?
  • Are there any other Old Testament books that aren't referenced in the New Testament?
  1. I've also heard that:
    • Melito, bishop of Sardis
    • Origen
    • Cyril of Jerusalem
    • Josephus, and
    • Philo rejected the Deuterocanonical books.

      Is this true, and if so, why?

  2. I've read that the Septuagint (46 Old Testament books put together by seventy Jewish scholars around 200 B.C.) was universally used by the Jews as the canonical standard during the time of Christ. Hence, every time Jesus or the Apostles referred to the scrolls, they were referring to the Septuagint (Luke 4:16-21, John 5:39, John 1:45, and others.)

    However, I thought that some of the Jews rejected the doctrine of "the resurrection of the dead", which was described in the Septuagint. This begs the question:

    • If some Jews rejected specific doctrine of the Septuagint, was it truly universally accepted by the Jews?
    • Is there empirical evidence of the Septuagint's universal acceptance before its reconstruction at Jamnia in 90 A.D.?

I realize that early Christians accepted these books as canonical. Their writings, practices, beliefs, and tradition reveal this, but I am not sure about the Jews. Any information or recommendations would help out. If the Deuterocanonical books are good enough for God, they're good enough for me!

Thank you so much! Sorry it's so long-winded.

God Bless.

In Christ,

Christopher Corgiat

  { Can you answer some questions on the Deuterocanonical books from your previous answer? }

John replied:

Hi Chris,

Below is some information on the Old Testament canon. It's lengthy, but if you read through it all, it will answer most of your question:

It comes from the Nazareth Resource Library web site.

If there is something this doesn't cover, please feel free to write back.


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