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Allen wrote:

Hi, guys —

My wife and I are cradle Catholic's. We raised our son and daughter in the Catholic faith.

Our daughter got involved with Wica while her husband was stationed in Germany for months at a time. This lead to her leaving her husband for another woman. They were not married in the Church, but have a daughter who is 9 years old.

Since then, she has left Wica, but still has a live-in girlfriend. Other than their gay lifestyle, she and her gay friend are good, moral people. She will not discuss any Church issues with me and says she does not believe what the Catholic Church teaches any more.

When my daughter and her friend come home for Christmas they stay in a hotel. This is because
I have said in the past that one could sleep in the guest bedroom and the other on the divan.

She has said that they sleep together or they don't stay. She also has said she understands,
but I feel real bad not having them stay here.

  • Am I wrong?
  • Should I invite them to stay and let them sleep in the same room?


  { Should I invite my gay daughter and her partner to stay and let them sleep in the same room? }

Mike replied:

Hi, Allen —

Thanks for the question.

It's your house and you have the right to lay down whatever principles you wish.

When she says:

They sleep together or they don't stay.

That tells me, they want you to accept a norm where two gay woman living in the same room in your home is natural, when obviously it isn't. If they understand your principles, I wouldn't worry about it.

Many in the homosexual community want practicing Christians to see their behavior and life style as natural, when it's not. Some even strive to force it down other people's mouth.

If you are a practicing Christian, you should stand on your values and pray for them regularly.

Having sexual passions and drives is part of being human but when those passions are mis-directed to others of the same sex due to a permissive behavioral environment or a group of experts who say it's OK, demoralized behavior is welcomed as acceptable behavior.

Although homosexuality is a learned behavior, heterosexually within a heterosexual culture can be a learned behavior as well.

I've heard personal testimonies on this from men who were homosexual and now have a Christian marriage with four children.

As a Father, the best you can do is pray for her and her friend. She has to make the choice to understand the what and why of Christian marriage.

Strive to stay on good speaking terms with her.

Hope this helps,


Eric replied:

Allen —

No, you should not allow them to stay in your house in the same room.

That would be endorsing their relationship. I'm not even sure I'd let her partner visit at all, for the same reason — you're treating them as a couple which they should not be, but I won't be dogmatic about that.

If you don't let them sleep together you've already taken a stand and made your position clear.


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