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Carla Macksey wrote:

Hi, guys —

We have two sons that go to RCIA on Tuesdays after school. They and other classmates just don't seem to get what they should out of it. Since it is after school and they already have been sitting all day, I don't think the attention span is there.

  • Do you know if CCD can be taught at home or if there is an online CCD course that parents can do with their children?

Thank you.


  { Can CCD can be taught at home and is there an online CCD course parents can do with their kids? }

Paul replied:

Dear Carla,

What you're saying is understandable. School takes up so much of a child's day, religious education classes are often seen as extra or superfluous by the children, and unfortunately they are often taught by adults who do not know their own faith. Hence, for many children it is not always an enriching experience. Some parishes, of course, are better with regard to this than others.

To answer you directly, many CCD program directors will allow parents to teach their children at home. Contact your parish's (DRE) Director of Religious Education or your pastor about this possibility.

They should be able to accommodate you.


Mike replied:

Hi, Carla —

Just my two cents on your question. The Church teaches that the parents, not the Church through CCD, are the primary educators of the children. From the Catechism:

The openness to fertility

1653 The fruitfulness of conjugal love extends to the fruits of the moral, spiritual, and supernatural life that parents hand on to their children by education. Parents are the principal and first educators of their children.

(cf. Vatican II, Gravissimum Educationis 3)

In this sense, the fundamental task of marriage and family is to be at the service of life. (cf. Familiaris Consortio 28)

Even if you have problems finding a CCD program you can teach out of the house, the best CCD program is the example you and your husband lead:

  • by what you say and what you do, and
  • at the proper age, includes a good Catholic Apologetics component.
    (This immunizes them from future misunderstandings by non-Catholics about our faith.)

I'm willing to guess that if you ask the ordinary lay Catholic in the pew, what Catholic apologetics is, they wouldn't have the vaguest idea or would think we are apologizing for being Catholic : (

All your actions should reflect the teachings of the Church. A CCD program lived out, by example, is the best program but requires you also know what the Church teaches and why. I believe it's important for any child to know:

  • if the Church requires anything from them, it is for their own good.
  • In the same way, if the Church prohibits anything, it is for their own good.

We are not the Church of No, we are the Church of Divine Logic and Love.

If you need some help there is a program that has been endorsed by both Scott Hahn and Karl Keating of Catholic Answers, which to me is impressive. You may want to check it out:


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