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Zbynek Knapp wrote:

Hi, guys —

My name is Zbynek Knapp. I'm 39 years old, living in Czech Republic. I ran across your site when looking for some information about St Euthanasius.

  • Could it be it's the same person as George-Dweller of Ethiopia?
  • Assuming he was a historic person, can you please provide me with a link to a web page or web site providing information on who he was, and why he became a saint?

I have encountered a view that he is a fictional character. I have really tried hard to find information about him myself before I contacting you, but with no results.

No need to hurry.

In either case, my best regards and have a nice day!

Zbynek Knapp

  { Do you have any information on St. Euthanasius and up to 1054 A.D., do we have the same saints? }

Eric replied:

Dear Zbynek,

If you search Google Books, this seems to be an invented name for an Anglican school used in a number of novels. I am not aware of any actual saint by this name, although it sounds similar to St. Athanasius.

  • Can you give a context of where you encountered it?


Zbynek replied:

Hello Eric,

Thank you very much for your answer and the time you gave to it.

I encountered it while reading Autobiography by Mircea Eliade. Perhaps you know him — he was, among others, religionist. In one of his earlier books he had written and mentioned a book titled Euthanasiu's Island. A footnote of the book mentions St. Euthanasius with no additional information. I was just curious why he had chosen this particular title.

It just occurred me, it could be one of the Eastern Orthodox Church's saints. I'm not sure if all the saints before the East-West Schism in 1054 A.D. were accepted by both churches or whether they differ.

  • Are saints recognized by both churches the same up until 1054 A.D.?

It also could be some saint from the period after the Schism. Anyway, I'm sure you did all you possibly could.

Thanks to all of you.


Eric replied:

Zbynek —

The Eastern saints even before 1054 A.D. differ from the Western saints somewhat.

For example, Constantine the Great (4th century) is acknowledged as a saint in the East, but not in the west. As you get closer to 1054 A.D. things trail off. In any case, it doesn't show up on:

It sounds like a whimsical portmanteau of euthanasia and Athanasius. This is why I have trouble taking it seriously. For example, some people in novels refer to St. Miscellaneous parish.

It's meant as a silly way to represent a generic parish name. Likewise, I don't think
St. Euthanasius is meant to be taken seriously. I really wouldn't expend any more effort researching this.


Zbynek replied:

OK, case closed.

Thank you for broadening my general knowledge and all your efforts.

With respect,

Zbynek Knapp

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