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Tonnie Robinson wrote:

Hello Mike,

I have a question about Confession.

  • If I confessed for all mortal sins, all venial sins, and any other sins of my past life at my last Confession, am I covered?

I ask because I forgot to turn a page over and read off a handful of specific sins, some mortal and some venial. I'm trying to determine if I need to go back to Confession to list specific ones or not.

Thank you,

Tonnie Robinson

  { If I confessed all mortal and venial sins at my last Confession but forgot some, am I covered? }

Mike replied:

Hi Tonnie,

Thanks for the question.

You said:

  • If I confessed for all mortal sins, all venial sins, and any other sins of my past life at my last Confession, am I covered?

Yes! and you may received Holy Communion. (We obviously only have one life but I assume you have had a change of lifestyles.)

God's knows your good intent Tonnie. For a Confession to be spiritually beneficial you have to mention all known mortal sins. If you missed a mortal sin, just mention it the next time you go to Confession.

You are not at fault for sins you didn't know were sins. When you are made aware of their sinfulness, then you are culpable. Although venial sins should also be mention, if forgotten, receiving Holy Communion removes all venial sins from the soul.

For all the sins we mentioned, we receive grace not to commit those sins again. If you have a hard time making a firm purpose of amendment for any sins, like sexual sins for example: mention it as you would a sin:

e.g. I committed this and that sin and am having hard time making a firm purpose of amendment for these specific sins.

Then do the best you can to stay pure, plus, do what I do. End each Confession by saying:

You just want to make good holy Communions and . . . thank the priest for his priesthood.

I hope this helps,


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