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Interested Isabella wrote:

Hi, guys —

I am not Catholic. I got married by a Justice of the Peace in 2005 and divorced my ex—, who is not Catholic, in 2013.

The reason for the divorce was for abuse both, physically and mentally. Verbally he has also been cheating on me with porn and other women. I will admit to my cheating as well and I have asked for forgiveness by God. My question is:

  • Under these circumstances, can I become Catholic and, if I can, and decide to marry late again, will marrying in the Catholic Church be allowed and recognized?

I am not looking at getting married anytime soon. I'm only asking if this issue arises in the future.


  { With this marital past, can I become Catholic and, if so, will the Church recognize a late marriage? }

Eric replied:


You can certainly become Catholic now. If you want to get married again, you'll need to obtain an annulment for your previous marriage; it is probably best to pursue this as part of your process of reception (as opposed to waiting until such time as you want to begin dating).

The Church presumes that your first marriage is valid until proven otherwise. Glad to hear that you wish to become Catholic, and welcome home!


Paul replied:

Dear Isabella,

Yes, what Eric said. Call or drop into your local parish and tell them you're interested in becoming Catholic.

You may also tell them you would like to pursue an annulment. The priest will give you instructions on how to further proceed.



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