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Anonymous Anthony wrote:

Hi, guys —

Regarding masturbation. While looking at porn, I fantasize and get aroused with both:

male and female pictures

  • Do I have to be specific in the Confessional about this, or
  • Can I just say I looked at impure pictures and was impure with myself?
  • Also, is it necessary to confess how many times the act was committed?

Thank you!


  { To confess sexual sins, do I have to be specific or can I just say, "I looked at impure images"? }

Bob replied:


Thanks for the question.

Yes, you should mention the male porn, because that draws from the sin of homosexuality, even if you are simply using the image to eroticize yourself and have never had sex with a man or plan to have homosexual acts. [An analogous reply would apply if a woman asked a similar question.]

Homosexual predators use this technique (images) to draw adolescent boys into their snare. satan laughs when he gets straight men looking at this stuff because he has them on his pernicious path if only (mentally/spiritually). Don't inadvertently score extra points for his team and yes: tell the Confessor the number of times.

  • Did you realize that porn is a diabolical snare meant to kill the soul?

Our Lady of Fatima ** told Lucia ** that more souls go to Hell for sins of the flesh than for any other cause. Think about that the next time you are about to be drawn into that snare.

  • Is it worth your life?

Jesus said, if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out, better to enter Heaven with one eye than to go to Hell with your whole body (cf. Mark 9:47). Jesus is telling us how high the stakes are when we play with evil.

  • Does this sound difficult?

It is, but not impossible. With God, all things are possible. Pray the Rosary everyday and read good Catholic books to fill your mind with good things when sexual urges flood your brain. A habit creates chemical pattens, like an addiction, which will have to be re-trained and washed out, much like a detox.

You need to stay pure for an extended period time, like Lent, to make the battle easier. If you fail, move on and change habits to avoid the snares you fell into.

Think of every successful resistance as one step closer to freedom. It will get easier over time, but the desire for sexual gratification will never simply disappear, because we live in our bodies.

You simply have to master your body.


Bob Kirby

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