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Anonymous Larry wrote:

Hi, guys —

A number of companies have decided to pay for travel expenses for employees seeking an abortion, for example: Apple.

  • Is it a sin to buy their products?
  • Is it a sin to own their stock?

Thank you,


  { Is it a sin to buy products or own stock from companies who pay for travel expenses for employees seeking an abortion? }

Bob replied:

Dear Larry,

Thanks for the question.  

It is not a sin to buy products from companies that share different values (though it can be in some cases), or even sponsor immoral behavior or policies. You are not responsible for the choices that people in the corporation make with the proceeds from their sales.  If they do not make an evil product, then you are not obliged to avoid them.

Owning stock is more problematic if you share in the profit from something that is immoral.  For example, if a company makes birth control products like the pill, those profits are blood money.  

In the case of Apple, they are not producing something evil per se, they are just using their proceeds to support something evil. In the latter case, you can choose to voice your opinion to the company, boycott it, or do whatever you can to discourage them from sending money to the evil, but if they do not, you are not responsible.

In today's context, where companies like Anheuser-Busch, the L.A. Dodgers franchise, Target, and others, are openly promoting gravely immoral and often extremely profane LGBTQ agendas (cf. the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence), as well as a host of other offensive products, ideologies, and anti-Christian sentiments, it is wise to boycott them and support alternative businesses.  Many companies are starting to provide a good alternative to the "woke" agenda sponsoring Main Street elites that dominate the marketplace.  When companies go so far down the path of sponsoring such evil, and there are good alternatives to their products, go with the more wholesome company.

As I type, I am using an Apple product, and I don't have any issue with it.  Computers, phones, watches, iPADs, and the like are morally neutral, and if the execs choose to take the money and use it for evil, they will answer to God for it, and I will not be held responsible.


Bob Kirby

Larry replied:


Thank you so much for answering my questions. 

I am almost 74 years old and retired just to give you perspective on who is asking this question.  

I do understand your take on the sinfulness of investing in companies producing abortion products.  I have reviewed my portfolio and have tried to remove those companies.

That said, I have a few more questions:

  • How about companies that came out visibly supporting abortion with their stance that they will pay for their employees to travel for an abortion? 

    In this case, I am talking about companies that do not produce abortion products.
  • Can you justify buying their product which produces a revenue stream and allows for policies that are sinful?

This has been a struggle for me and my wife.

I had a priest tell me that if there is an alternative product, then you should buy that alternative.  In practice, we work hard to do that.  From bathroom cleaners to soda, we try to do that.  But I will use another example, and I will use Apple since it is easy to compare them.

So let's say, for discussion, that you have been an Apple user for a very long time, and you need to upgrade your phone. Android is an alternative.

As you probably know, the user interface is totally different, and, in some cases, apps you may have bought from the Apple Store are not available for Android.  I am not talking about gaming apps, but apps such as:

  • internet camera interfaces
  • summarizing travel expenses
  • HP Reverse Polish calculator
  • car expense tracking, and
  • there may be others.

  • Could I live without these apps?

I have to answer honestly that I could, but it would be an inconvenience.

  • So is this inconvenience a good enough reason to replace your phone with an Apple phone and not feel you have committed a sin?

Sorry for prolonging this discussion.  I have contacted the Archdiocese where we live, and their answer was — that it is up to everyone's conscience.  I understand that answer, but I want to be sure I am not being overly scrupulous in my thinking.

Thank you so much for helping me through this.


Bob replied:

Dear Larry,

Yes, follow your conscience but form it properly.  

In dealing with the objective nature of whether you are complicit in sin, it definitely relates to when you profit from a sinful product, like stock dividends.  

In the case you mentioned (an abortion-assisting employer), you are not profiting, nor are you assisting anyone to profit from something unlawful; the products they are producing are licit and good.  The principle is the same—they are taking "won profits" and using them unjustly.  That is not your sin.  The employer, employees, and the stockholders who voted on this policy will be held accountable.

  • The matter now turns to one of prudence; is it prudent to support such a business?

This is where conscience meets homework—doing your best to look at the situation as objectively as possible and weigh the facts.  You are doing that, and if your conscience is well-formed by knowing how to differentiate moral acts and culpability, you should be at peace.  

In the example you posted about Apple, I would say that if their product serves your needs best, that is not simply a matter of "convenience" but "prudence" to use their products.  If and when something should supplant that, in both efficiency and moral underpinnings, I would consider making the leap. I wouldn't be stuck in a moral quandary about it unless something became evident, where they were beyond the pale of redemption.


Robert Kirby

Larry replied:

Dear Robert and all,

Thank you so much for your guidance regarding an issue that has been troublesome to me.  Ever since my recent count of 92 companies coming out in support of paying travel expenses for employees, I started thinking about the revenue side of these businesses.  

I do see and understand your explanation and again thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.  

I will continue to pray and include you guys in my prayers.


Mike replied:


I just wanted to pitch in my two cents on your question.

Bob and I may have different views on this.

While I agree with most of Bob's answer, on the issue of iPhone or Android, we may have a difference of opinion though we may both have our own bias as he has an Apple and I have an Android. That said, our different views fall into the category of theological opinion and are not a matter of doctrine.

Bob said:
In the example you posted about Apple, I would say that if their product serves your needs best, that is not simply a matter of "convenience" but "prudence" to use their products.  If and when something should supplant that, in both efficiency and moral underpinnings, . . .

It's my understanding that Apple works in China and works very closely with this Communist dictatorship that threatens our country. I personally don't want my money going to support an Atheistic Communist government and think there are enough moral underpinnings to re-think the smartphone preference issue, but that's just my opinion.

I've only had my phone for two years and still don't understand why our country does not have any American entrepreneur who would be willing to start an America First company that builds and distributes smartphones in the United States of America!



Larry replied:


Responding to you has been on my to do list. I'm late with my response because I have been thinking about what you said. Yesterday I saw this article in the National Catholic Register.

I am in the process of trying to digest how to deal with this in our everyday living. What a tangled web we have weaved for ourselves and the downside of a Global economy.

Thank you and God Bless.


Mike replied:

Hi Larry,

Thanks for the National Catholic Register/EWTN article!

I thought it was a good read.


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