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Questions on The Holy Mass: both Ordo and Tridentine liturgies
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Posting date Questions
January 2019 Since Saturday is a holy day, if I go to Sat. Mass does it count for both the Holy Day and Sun. Mass?
January 2019 Can I receive Holy Communion at Mass if we were divorced, but only my ex— wife remarried?
January 2019 If someone will no longer attend a Novus Ordo Mass are they subject to these schismatic penalties?
January 2019 Are elderly Catholics, (i.e. age 75 and over), obliged to attend Mass every Sunday?
August 2018 Can a religious Catholic woman who gets civilly married to a Muslim receive Holy Communion?
August 2018 If I married outside the Church, according to Hindu rituals, is there a way to receive Communion?
August 2018 What should I do if, I know I shouldn't move my hands during the Gloria, but seem compelled to?
August 2018 What can we do to get our marriage blessed so my Catholic wife can receive Holy Communion?
August 2018 Should I become a Catholic if I can't go to Mass every Sunday due to family commitments?
August 2018 Can funeral Masses be conducted during the 50-day period following Easter?
August 2018 When visiting non-Catholics, what do I say when they ask, why I didn't receive their communion?
April 2018 Does attendance at a service (i.e. Anglican) fulfill my obligation to attend weekly Mass on Sunday?
April 2018 Should I go to Confession before my next Communion if I am still struggling with profanity?
April 2018 In these cases, must I refrain from daily Communion until I go to Confession on Friday or Saturday?
April 2018 Is it against the rules of the Roman Catholic Church, for Catholics to attend Anglican masses?
January 2018 Are you allowed to distribute the Eucharist to someone who is not Catholic but comes to Mass?
January 2018 What is the definition of liturgy and is this term only used by Catholics?
January 2018 What is the Church's official policy regarding Word and Communion services?
January 2018 Why wouldn't the keyboard be acceptable as a musical instrument for the Mass?
January 2018 Can you recommend a Sunday Missal for me to use?
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