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A recommended daily prayer for Christians having a hard time with Marian teachings by Rosalind Moss:
    Lord, if it is your desire and will that your mother become an important part of my growth in holiness as a Christian, then please make a way and a time to introduce me to her and grant me the grace to be responsive to all she has to offer me. Amen.
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Posting date Questions
January 2024 Why do we say "Blessed are you among women" in the "Hail Mary"?
August 2023 Is there any particular time of the day you should say the Rosary?
April 2023 How does one address the Blessed Virgin in prayer and is there a certain grace imparted if one uses a specific form of address?
April 2023 Based on how it is made and, both, the beads and medal attached to it, what type of Rosary is this?
April 2023 Would praying or possessing a Rosary be offensive to Catholics since I am not of the Catholic faith?
April 2023 How do I get by tearing up and crying when I pray the Rosary; it's probably tied to previous reoccurring trauma issues?
April 2023 What mysteries of the Rosary are said during Lent; I was taught,the Sorrowful mysteries but my Deacon says otherwise?
April 2023 Can you explain what this phrase means on the Miraculous Medal and is it wrong for a believing non-Catholic to wear this medal?
August 2022 If Mary was born without the stain of original sin, did she suffer pain during the birth of Jesus; also, did Mary get old?
August 2022 Can you answer some questions in three areas where the Catholic Church is obviously wrong?
April 2022 Since I wasn't trying to pull it apart or anything, what does a broken Rosary symbolize?
April 2022 Are scapulars I bought blessed; we already blessed old ones; how do we properly bless all of them?
January 2022 Can the Rosaries I have made and blessed, now be sold and, in general, can blessed items be sold?
January 2022 If I'm mentally praying to Mary in my head, can she hear me or do I have to verbally pray?
August 2021 Can I pray the Rosary with intrusive thoughts or should I re-pray every bead until they're perfect?
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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.