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Eric wrote:

Hi, guys —

I'm a 44 year old man with a family who lives in the States.  I have been Catholic for quite some time thanks to many Protestants who seem to really enjoy making slanderous claims against the Catholic Church.  Thanks to Fr. Corapi's inspiring speeches, I have been studying the Catechism and Bible in much more detail. Every time I hear a new complaint against the Catholic Church,
I look it up to see what I can find.

I have found your web site and the answers contained within your knowledge base very helpful in defending the faith.

I have recently run into a Protestant who claims that Revelation 17 is talking about the Catholic Church. While I do not share his beliefs, I have not been very successful in finding much more information about the interpretation of this chapter.

  • Can you provide your readers and myself with more insight into this book and specifically this chapter?



  { Is Revelation 17 talking about the Church and how does She interpret this book and chapter? }

Mike replied:

Hi, Eric —

Thanks for the question.

Our colleagues over at Catholic Answers have a lot of good resources that I believe will help you.
Below are some web pages from their site I think will help.

From their magazine: This Rock:

If my colleagues have anything to add I'm sure they will reply.


John replied:

Hi, Eric —

I would also recommend Scott Hahn's tape series on Revelation. His exegesis is a bit different, than Catholic Answers

The End: The Book of Revelation
by Scott Hahn

Scott Hahn. "The End". For many Catholics today, interpreting the Book of Revelation presents an almost insurmountable challenge. The dizzying array of exotic symbols and apocalyptic warnings can make St. John's glorious vision seem very confusing.

Heaven's Mass: What John Really Saw in the Book of Revelation
by Scott Hahn

Scott Hahn. Of all things Catholic, there is nothing so familiar as the Mass and nothing so strange as the Bible's Book of Revelation. In this four-tape series, Dr. Scott Hahn proposes that the Book of Revelation is the key to understanding the Mass.

It's important to understand that The Whore of Babylon doesn't have to be only one thing. Revelation recapitulates Salvation History. The Whore of Babylon, could be Rome (the Empire) and it could also be Jerusalem who had turned their back on Jesus and was being replaced by the
New Jerusalem, which is the Church.

Depending on when Revelation was written, it could be a prophecy regarding Jerusalem (if it was written before 70 A.D.), that's Hahn's contention; other's think it's the Roman Empire, and still others believe it's some future power.

The Church doesn't have a dogmatic exegesis (something the faithful have to believe) on this issue.


Eric replied:

Thank you all for this information.

This is wonderful resource material for me to understand the book of Revelation in more detail.


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