Questions from those contemplating becoming a Catholic.
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January 2025
Can you explain to a Protestant looking into Catholicism, why we need a pope through Scripture?
January 2025
Could I be an official Catholic in secrecy or do I have to be baptized in the Church to be Catholic?
January 2025
Based on my daughter's back-and-forward faith journey, can she now receive Communion again?
January 2025
Did I commit a mortal sin?; I recently returned to the Church wondering if I'm over thinking things?
January 2025
Have I defiled this sacrament by not saying all mortal sins or am I forgiven since I mentioned one?
August 2024
Is it OK for me to take a 12-year-old to RCIA classes with her father’s OK?; if not, when can she go alone?
August 2024
When I convert and become Catholic, do I have to re-confess my sins all over again?
August 2024
Why do we practice Biblical paganism and why did we remove these from the 10 Commandments?
August 2024
Can you comment on 1.) converting to the faith and 2.) learning the faith as a lifelong process?
August 2024
We want to join the Church but wonder if our case would be an exemption to Mass attendance?
August 2024
Is it licit for me to pray a pre-1911 Divine Office that Saint Pius abrogated?
April 2024
Can you provide some information on the strange paintings and construction I was shown?
April 2024
Do you have any tips for someone who wants to join the Church, despite a non-religious family?
April 2024
What should I do about this brazen behavior among a homosexual couple right in front of my family us at Mass?
April 2024
Can a Christian who left the faith and performed a Black Mass, return to the faith and find forgiveness?
January 2024
Is it possible for a Chaldean Catholic to remove their name from the rite they were was baptized in and register in the Roman Rite?
January 2024
As a couple currently living together who wish to both become Catholic, where do we start in lieu of my marital background?
August 2023
Based on our marital history, If I became Catholic, would our marriage be recognized?
August 2023
Since I forgot my Baptismal candle and had to share one with a fellow catechumen, is my Baptism still valid?
August 2023
Do you have any advice for how Catholics can share their desire for the faith with a spouse or partner who isn't fond of religion?
August 2023
What should I do If I'm a Christian with Catholic beliefs who prays at home, watches EWTN, but can't get to Church for Mass?
August 2023
Since my only intent was to get married and not convert to the Muslim faith, do I now have to be rebaptized to be a Catholic?
April 2023
Will I be accepted back to the Church despite the severity of my sins and what's needed to fully be accepted back and receive the Eucharist?
April 2023
How does one address the Blessed Virgin in prayer and is there a certain grace imparted if one uses a specific form of address?
January 2023
Can you show a Muslim how to be embraced by the Catholic Church by being officially baptized?