Questions about non-Christian Sects and Cults.
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April 2024
Is it a sin to write about magic (meaning writing about mythical creatures (e.g. goblins, fairies)?
April 2024
Can a Christian who left the faith and performed a Black Mass, return to the faith and find forgiveness?
January 2024
I know objects can be cursed, but can people be cursed?
January 2024
If someone uses the occult on my behalf, is this something I must confess in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
April 2023
How should a Catholic respond to Erich von Däniken's book on alien life and his reinterpretation of biblical texts?
April 2023
Is it morally permissible to play the video game, "Phasmophobia" since it uses "cursed items" like Ouija boards, voodoo dolls, etc?
January 2023
Although I have seen an exorcist over 10 years ago, should I be concerned that I'm still seeing this?
January 2023
Is a Catholic allowed to practice Zen Buddhist meditation, and partake in the Buddhist, "Refuge of the Three Jewels" ceremony?
January 2023
What are the requirements for a secular exorcist to become a Catholic exorcist and how does one apply for the job?
April 2022
Do I have an obligation to tell my priest about a fellow Catholic who is also a Freemason?
January 2022
What are these other non-Catholic voices talking about and is my understanding of a soul correct?
January 2022
Being that I am a Catholic, is it really a bad idea to learn about the Supreme Mathematics?
April 2021
Is there a Catholic view of these verses (used by Seventh-Day Adventists to disprove our faith)?
January 2021
Is it OK for us to address various gods, calling them by their names and can I acknowledge them?
January 2021
Why doesn't the Catholic Church warn about the dangers of psilocybin /shrooms ?
January 2021
What advice do you have for some newlyweds who believe they may be haunted by demons?
August 2020
Can you explain 'the little horn' in SDA eschatology and did the Church cause the fall of these guys?
August 2020
Is my Baptism valid, is there any harm in getting baptized again, and is my resurrection at stake?
April 2020
After this guilty mistake, should I tell these students what I agreed with, was wrong, now or later?
January 2020
Was this mystical event that happened with my statue of the Infant of Prague, of God or the devil?